Monday, February 12, 2007

How Does One Die From Glioblastoma ?


Ms. Mirta De

· I have the right to not be hit ever

· I have the right to change the situation

· I have the right to live free from fear of being beaten

· I have the right to require and wait for a proper attention from the police and systems of care you need.

· I have the right to share my feelings and not be isolated from family, friends and others.

· I have the right to be treated as an adult

· I have the right to leave an environment of abuse

· I have the right to my privacy

· I have the right to express my own thoughts and feelings

· I have the right to develop my skills and personal talent.

· I have the right to sue my spouse / partner striker

· I have the right to not be perfect. §

live a period of historical change: women constitute half the world population, one third of the jobs that are recorded in the statistics and probably two-thirds of the work actually executed. This does not prevent only 10 percent of the world's income and 1 percent of the land are in our hands. From this perspective, one deserves to equality tragicomic question: Who is left with the other 99 percent?

Carmen Gonzalez

The Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women General Assembly United Nations defines domestic violence as :

"Any act of violence based on the female gender, or is likely to result in injury or physical, sexual or suffering to women, including threats or acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation, whether occurring in public life or private "

propose a psychosocial approach to analyze gender violence and human rights. the responses of different international organizations and national, through conventions, declarations and laws, opposite the historic problem of violence against women.

will take to define violence the central axis relations system to in patriarchal society, from the perspective of gender. Analysing the above definition violence, I wonder why throughout history women have been who else has, suffered and suffer violence? Why domestic violence is directed primarily against women?, Why the term "abuse, rape 'brings us instantly think of women as victims before they know the act itself? Treatment in this discussion to answer these questions by relating the concepts gender violence and power and how, legal, women began to "show" its existence as a subject of rights. human.


The essential features of human rights are:

Individuality: people's individual rights.

Universality: cross national borders (without distinction of race, religion, sex ...).

Basic Rights : Right to have Rights: (these will be based on all other rights).

These individual rights and collective rights are often generated tensions.

These universal equal rights for all human rights and diversity tend to generate tension (there is now a critical attitude towards universal discourse, unique and true. In this sense of the diverse and complex you think about the boundaries of the human and nonhuman) with respect to the "unitary discourse" says M. Foucault "If the human is not a closed totality the door is always open to the emergence of a new situation, a new reality, a new difference. " b Ä

From an individual perspective examines human rights and social perspective examines the relational relations between human beings . is at this point, in which, of genre, as a methodological tool, there are relations unequal and asymmetrical power generating violence (Foucault, 1990)

"For possible violent behavior has to be a condition: the existence of an imbalance of power that can be defined culturally or the context or obtained through interpersonal maneuvers to control the relationship "(Corsi, 1995)


H istorically has argued that relations between genera are based on "complementarity" of roles and functions. This may give the impression that the parties are equal and complementary. The analysis of these relationships, made from the genre, we can observe that these are highly differential and asymmetric, involving domination and subordination, and also becoming a source of conflict. Thus, from this view, the familiar space is redefined as a social historical space, contradictory, where there are violence and subjectivities are formed from the gender norms that are transmitted generationally.

On the other hand, the "Social Imaginary" of family corresponds to the "nuclear family", which thus becomes an ideological model, which is based on:

1) sexual division of labor, which involves ranking .

2) hierarchical power structure rigidly maintained.

This historic family model with conventional methods - traditional, which contains rules and immutable rules, a "maximum male authority "socially and supported : " female secondary authority " is fertile ground for conflict to develop relationships and violence that are expressed various forms, from extreme to the symbolic. 2

regard to these relations of power, Eva Giberti expresses " we talk about power relationships between parents and children, between legislators and citizens, between rulers and ruled, and inevitably leads to the relationship between those who can punish and those who can not do it. "

The concept of power, gender perspective implies asymmetrical power relations, allows a different view, because it refers to the possibility of changing these relations, culturally constructed, leaving the place of victims.

From a philosophical, also M. Foucault, argues that the power flows and that "if power are relations of power always involves different positions from which those relationships are maintained or change "and " that much we can do, from the place of power where we are, to produce freedom "



52 years ago, a woman, Eleanor Roosevelt, achieved in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights "was used precisely the" word "instead of MEN HUMAN. A new road begins to go, the word starts to introduce a change in thinking and what" this ".

"Now women have the shout, the word, the question ... Novísima power relationship between it and" she thinking ", speaker and talkative." (Giberti, 1998)

This allowed the light, that part of the world's population was in the shadows: Women.

· in 1975, is holding the International Conference on Women in the UN, began the Decade for Women and begins to talk about violence against women.

· In 1979, the UN General Assembly, approving the Convention the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.

· In the same year in Copenhagen, the Second Conference on Women, said the phenomenon of violence against women is an obstacle to fairness and an intolerable offense human dignity.

· In 1985, the Third World Conference on Women was held in Nairobi, sponsored by the United Nations. Strategies were adopted for the Advancement of Women to the Year 2000. This document, which provided a framework for action at national, regional and international levels, determined that violence against women is one of the greatest obstacles to achieving the objectives of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality - Development and Peace.

· In 1993, something very important happens: In Vienna, before the International Tribunal on the Violation of Human Rights of women, heard the testimony of 33 women , recounting the abuses they had suffered. It was officially unveiled, the phenomenon of injustice and violence, that took centuries to quiet the female gender. This leaves it clear, the responsibility of the international community in protecting women from abuse committed against her.

· also in Vienna, the Second World Conference on Human Rights, agreed in the Vienna Declaration, that the rights of girls and women are "an inalienable, integral and indivisible part of universal human rights. " For the first time violence is embodied in the context of Human Rights. 5

· In December 1993 the General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women. Thus, the international community explicitly recognized the alarming extent of violence against women. Until now, governments view violence against women as a private matter. The Declaration urges governments to adopt concrete measures to prevent violence.

· In March 1994, the Commission adopted Human Rights resolution 1994/45, which appoints the Special Rapporteur to deal with examining the causes and consequences of violence against women and to recommend measures to eliminate violence at the international, regional and national levels.

· In September 1995, at the Fourth World Conference on Women, it develops Platform for Action in determining the measures that governments and communities may adopt to curb violence against women.

This Conference, held in Beiging, Mr Boutros Ghali, Secretary General of the United Nations, said that violence against women was a universal problem and noted that the Domestic Violence was increasing and that according to studies conducted in 10 countries, 17% and 38% of women had been physically assaulted by their partner. In this Platform for Action, Governments stated:

"Violence against women constitutes a violation of fundamental human rights and prevents the achievement of the goals of Equality, Development and Peace."

The Secretary General stated that "there is a tendency deplorable organized humiliation of women, including the crime of mass rape ... insist that take international legal action against perpetrators of acts of organized violence against women in times of war. "

According to Susana Velázquez, in the last three decades, the violence has been recognized as a health problem and a violation of human rights. "The conditions of possibility for the attainment of health and a better quality of life are linked to full exercise of the rights of people that violence transgresses " 6

Gender violence has been, throughout history, standing in different ways, affecting women around the world in all racial and economic


According Special Report Inter-American Development Bank: ((Special Report Publication IDB Inter-American Development Bank. New Domestic Violence York 1997).

In Chile 60% of women living in couples experience some form of domestic violence and 10% more aggravated assaults.

· In Peru 70% of complaints to the police are referring to cases of women beaten by their husbands.

· In Colombia, 20% or so women were physically abused, 10% of sexual abuse and 30% psychological abuse.

· In Ecuador 60% of women living in poor neighborhoods of Quito, were beaten by their partners.

· In Mexico 70% of women have experienced violence.

· police in Jamaica said that 40% of all homicides were committed in the home.

· The Dominican Republic eight hours a woman suffers an attack.

Surge of the IDB report that from 25% to over 50% of American women (by country) have experienced domestic violence.

· The report on the State of World Population, UNFPA, stated that 120 million women worldwide suffer genital mutilation. In addition, a similar number of adolescents are initiated into prostitution around the world. This situation is serious in Asia and Africa . "According to a recent study conducted by the Association India Rationalist 30% of girls prostitutes in Bombay, and more than 50% in Poona, are there to fulfill a religious vow. From the caste of untouchables, over 70% of them started in the profession before reaching the age of fourteen. We talk about the devadasis dedicated to the goddess Yellamma ".. 8

· In India, whose population is estimated at 1200 million, the approximate number of is 6 million abortions a year. The most of them female fetuses 9 (BID).

· According to WHO, between 85 and 114 million women and girls worldwide have undergone genital mutilation. Most live in 26 African countries, some in Asia and in immigrant communities in the United States, Canada and Europe

· thirty cases in Pakistan intentionally burned women are reported per month . 10

· El informe titulado The sex sector: The económic and social bases of prostitution in Southest Asia, se basa en estudios detallados de la prostitución y el comercio del sexo en: Malasia, Filipinas Indonesia y Tailandia. Los autores del informe de la OIT advierten que la elección del sector de sexo en estos países no significan que tengan un problema grave con la prostitución , son sólo ilustrativos de muchos países.Ninguna nación incluídas las de mayor desarrollo están al margen de este problema dramático.

· According to testimony entered in

· another report, Belém do Pará (Brazil), where countries OAS signed in 1994 the "Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication All Forms of Violence against Women" is the sexual paradise of this place domestic traffic primarily affects children between 6 and 18 who are transferred deceived from one area to another by traffickers and forced into prostitution in conditions of slavery. (Organization of American States (OAS), 9 June 1994.

At this time More exactly is a street girl : "Mary, Mary. Campaign United Nations Human Rights of Women and Children against Violence. Chile 1998.


The Argentine Congress enacted and promulgated in December 1994, Law 24.417 on Protection Against Family Violence was regulated by Decree 235 of March 7, 1996.

According to Silvio Lamberti 11 is a local range regulations, applicable only in Federal Capital. Other provinces issued their rules reproduce the text of the law, and some progress in this area.

according Lamberti This Act is divided into two parts: one relates to the complaint, diagnosis risk and supervisory measures, the second relates to therapeutic treatments of the family.

are important omissions such as the prison sentence.

specified Lamberti quote: "The current state of the penal system shows antivictimológicas characteristics depending on the guarantees of the perpetrator and the myths of social imagination ..." adding: "In all criminal proceedings must demonstrate effective criminal-type setting, which is why this system has proven inefficient in vast majority of cases of family violence by the difficulty itself evidence of crime within families.

According to a very interesting finding which I fully share, Lamberti said that laws alone are not going to solve the complex problem Family Violence. should be a change of mindset that can denature the violence in the family relationship.

If we think logically that any rule of law involves a penalty, the difference of a moral standard, we note sadly that this law left empty, because if the victim makes the complaint, while the intervention narrows judicial. I therefore believe that although it represents an advance is ambiguous.




In the analysis and the legal route from the formulation of Human Rights 52 years ago, the story was changing, were making a lot of rights, the principal officer for respect and ensure respect are the states.

Gladys Acosta Vargas 12 also wondered whether Declaration itself does not correspond to those rights education to change lives.

"There is no women's rights that are not framed in human rights. Hence the importance of the Second World Conference on Human Rights (Vienna, 1993), because this is where the groundwork was laid for the recognition of Human Rights of Women. 13

Furthermore to study violence against women, is clearly seen negative effects on the economy, health, labor force, in full partnership in which refuses the participation of women in all aspects of development.

We must be aware that the long journey, has brought significant changes for women and their respeto.como human.

But despite the statements, conferences, action plans and laws, we live daily acts of violence against the female gender.

No doubt the twentieth century was the century of women. The century of the word of women. They have established information networks of women around the world, help, support, networking and solidarity.

think the visibility of violence against women is a fact of society and all sectors of the same: justice, education, health, media, cultural and media art, politics and religion.

How to combat this collective unconscious that considers natural " occasionally beat?

How to combat this issue that crosses borders and comes into our homes in telenovelas roses (sometimes not so much), and melodramas with stereotypes of women punished for violating cultural norms thousands of years ago?.

think the role of education as an important aspect and key, for reflection and analysis of the issue of family relationships and roles within family.

Eva Giberti transcribes a paragraph about the Armier Paule Equal Opportunities within the family : "In all countries, Asian, Western or African , whatever their form of government and economic status, women are the ones who showed the keenest interest for equality. So without jumping to conclusions, we think what is their place in this society: a position of inferiority and a claim not satisfied yet. " 14

"The complexity of the problem is deep enough so that at times were somewhat perplexed ... and curiosity awakens us to move forward in our knowledge."

Susana Velázquez 15


Acosta Vargas, G .: "The high peaks", a life without violencia.Isis International

Santiago, 1998.

Elisabeth Bumiller.: "May you be the mother of a hundred sons", Random House. Inc.

New York , 1990.

Burin, M. And Bleichmar E. "Gender, psychoanalysis, subjectivity, Polity Press, Buenos

Aires, 1996.

Corsi, J.: "Family Violence", Polity Press, Buenos Aires, 1994

Foucault, M.: "Technologies of the Self" , Polity Press, Buenos Aires, 1990

Giberti, Eva. "Women's Time", Rd.Sudamericana, Buenos Aires, 1998.

Giberti, E. Fernandez, Ana M. (Ed.) "Women and invisible violence", Ed

Sudamericana, Buenos Aires, 1989.

Lamberti., Silvio: "Systems in family violence legislation: Review of legislation

compared Latinoamericana." Chair specs.

Velazquez, Susana. "Strangers in the Night", in M. Burin He Bleichmar E. (comp)

Paidós, Buenos Aires, 1996.

Velazquez, Susana., "New meanings of womanhood. About mental health

Ylos psychotropic" in Burin, E, Moncarz, S. Velázquez "El

Unrest women, Polity Press, Buenos Aires, 1990.

Velazquez S.: "Victims of violence: different meanings. Tab of the chair.

Websites consulted

· Women Red.http /

· how to react to violence: http / / violence / images / events.

· Women in Red: "India" Coalition Against Trafficking in Women: http/áfico-declaración-dacca.html.

· Health-caps-R.htm: Studying the health of women: http/






§ Internet: http:/ Quote: "This bill of rights is mentioned on page. 108, "Understanding Wife

Assault" by D. Sinclair and has been taken from the book "Battered wivws and powerless loss: What can counselors do? Of Patricia G. Ball and Elizabeth Wyman" June/2000.

2 Velazquez, Susana: "Strange noche.La sexual violence in the couples' Cap.10 of the book "Gender, Psychoanalysis and subjectivity" Burín, M. AND Bleichmar Ed.Paidós, Buenos Aires, the text 1996.En Velazquez says "Women are exposed in their daily life to different manifestations of violence as part of a c ontinuum of possible experiences because they are women ".

5 On this point, S. Velazquez says that there are tensions between "public accountability" and "respect for privacy." would have to be a redefinition and expansion of Human Rights. Concepts developed during the dictation of the seminar. (1999).

6 Velazquez, Susan: "everyday violence and health."

8 Vandana Shiva, author of "Ecofeminism" has an English page "Gender and Environment" The reference of your organization: Secretariat of Diverse Women for Diversity Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology. A-60, Hauz Khas / New Delhi-110 016, India / Tel: 91-11-6968077 / Fax: 91-11-6856795. Email: /

10 Thémines Durrani: "My Lord and my Master" This book was written by this woman former wife of Mustafa Khar, and tells her husband's abuse towards her in Pakistan. tells the customs of the country he loves, and the terrible treatment received by women. Internet: "Women in Pakistan, Bangladesh

and Status of Muslim Women in India "http / / discus / mesagges / html.Marzo 2000.

11 "Violence Familñiar legislative systems: comparative review of American law" reworking of "The current situation of family violence. Presented at Montevideo, 1998.

12 Vargas, Gladys Acosta: "Lives Without Violence, New Voices, New Challenges. Isis International, Santiago, 1998.

13 Vargas, Gladys Acosta, op.

14: Giberti, Eva.: Op.

15Velázquez, Susana: "New meanings of womanhood, about mental health and psychotropic drugs" op.cit.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Shoe Making Scholarship

... How do we educate Mr. orient ... Mirta De

is an ongoing reflection, everyday we do professionals and health education, we are in contact with children and adolescents.

Committed to our work, we are aware of our "mission" and our "limitations." Today more than ever, those "oriented vocations and occupations" We feel that our approach in this regard must be "comprehensive" and encompassing a variety of spaces. We know and we experience

the many and changing rules in a way they are imposed from the social reality in which we live. Reality

often tests us, we try to limit, pushes us into the void, it can be very high if we are not prepared.

is often common, the consultation of adolescents and young people with feelings of "helplessness", "disbelief" and "confusion." Looking for a way to start to travel, and consulting, with fantasy, that will give them a "roadmap" to get insurance.

Those who have come a way, we know that reality even more stable and secure than might exist, each built "his way."

much more, in this new world, full of uncertainties, we must be doers of our route.

This is not worse, not better, different.

In our counseling intervention and educators, we are referring to a generation of adults, far from feeling defeated and disillusioned, we humanize each day in solidarity and dare to invent new ways.

who accompany guidelines, in the discovery of one's "desire," and in the critical analysis of society in which exercise their freedom to "do"


Find a way, is to find their own unique project. A project that will be modified, if necessary, re-invent or keep firm, depend on each one.

East, who confused, can not find this desire and help you discover the tools to compile their own personal roadmap.