Thursday, June 18, 2009

Why Does My Cat Nibble On My Blanket

Reference and Information ...

Some facts about the country ...
(Reference: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ...)
The Federative Republic of Brazil (in Portuguese , Federative Republic of Brazil) better known as Brazil is a federal republic formed by the union of 26 Länder and the Federal District . The country has 5,564 municipalities and an area of \u200b\u200b8,514,876.599 km ², equivalent to 47.9% of South American territory. Compared with other countries of the globe, ranks fifth in number of inhabitants and in territory. It is a country that enters the range of tropical countries as it is on the equator . Brazil covers the southern hemisphere and northern hemisphere, however the stations Weather not feel in a radical way in much of the country. Part of its territory is covered by the Amazon , with 3.6 million square kilometers. Thanks to this and its climate is the country with more species of animals in the world. Its capital is Brasilia , which replaced Rio de Janeiro in 1960. Having been Salvador the first national capital, Brasilia is then the third city to be the capital Brazil.
a population of 188.6 million inhabitants, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Despite being the fifth most populous country in the world, Brazil has one of the lowest rates population density. Most of its population is concentrated along the coast , while the interior is still marked by huge gaps demographics. Portuguese colonization, Brazil is the only country in Portuguese in the Americas. The religion more followers is the Catholicism being the largest number of nominal Catholics in the world. Brazilian society is one of the most multiethnic of the planet, formed descendants of European , indigenous , African and Asian . Geography & Climate

The geography is diverse, with semi-arid, mountainous, of lowland tropical, subtropical and temperate climates ranging from dry to rainy northeast tropical and equatorial and subtropical and temperate south. Brazil's climate varies with altitude and latitude of the area: From the arid interior, tropical climate of the Amazon and East Coast regions. In general, we can say that is predominantly tropical. It is a wet country of changing climate, especially in the south. Culture

Brazil is a multicultural eminently marked by large and diverse migratory flows from all continents and intense mixing between them. Rio de Janeiro is the largest cultural center of national and global. Here lie the Brazilian Academy of Letters and the National Library (the largest). Rio is also famous for its carnival and parade of guilds - the "samba schools". The most notable museums are the National Museum Fine Arts, Museum of Modern Art (MAM), the Indian Museum and the Museum of Football, in Maracanã, 3 º largest stadium in the world. São Paulo has the Museum of Modern Art, the MASP , the Museu do Ipiranga the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo and the Portuguese Language Museum among others. It is also the largest cultural center of South America, with an event occurring every 2 minutes (on average) and the best restaurants on the continent.
The cuisine is more representative of Brazil:
Tacacá tucupi not, Munguzá, green banana porridge, shredded and boiled in milk, feijoada, crabs or crawfish, freshwater fish of the Amazon, as the pirarucu or peixe boi (fish ox) and the duck does not tucupi and many otros.No can forget the 'Feijoada' black-influenced Italian dishes, mainly in the state of São Paulo. BRAZILIAN CUISINE
(Reference: Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia ...)
The Aboriginal, African and Portuguese have made the cuisine of Brazil one of the richest and most diverse in the world. The cuisine of Brazil is highly regionalised, so that each area has its own traditional dishes that are sometimes unknown from one region to another due to its large territorial extension. Brazilian cuisine is the result of a mixture of different ingredients European , indigenous and African . [1] Many of the techniques of preparing the ingredients used are of Indian origin, is adapted by the slaves and Portuguese . Typical dishes
eating habits vary greatly from region to region according to the story, so it is normal that the Brazilians from one end of the other dishes unfamiliar opposite end. In this way the coastline of the Região Nordeste do Brasil there is a strong influence African cuisine in the kitchen, is to mention the acarajé the Vatapá and Molho of pepper, in the Região Norte do Brasil there is a greater influence of indigenous people, is seen in the use of cassava and fish, in the Southeast do Brasil Região different dishes as there the angular feijão tropeiro and closely linked to bandeirantes in Minas Gerais, and São Paulo pizza , the influence of Italian immigrants, and in the Região Sul do Brasil a strong influence in the kitchen Italian can be seen in dishes such as polenta and German cuisine. The churrasco is typical of Rio Grande do Sul . Northeast: The typical dishes of the Northeast Region of Brazil include vatapá the moqueca (both molluscs and palm oil ) acarajé (a kind of white bean bun and fried onions in oil with shrimp , pepper vermelha the caruru ( okra and cashew nuts, shrimp, pepper and garlic), is indigenous and adapted by the slaves) and sarapatel . Other common foods are farofa the paçoca the canjica the pamonha the meat -de-sol, the crop of bode The queijo Coalho and rapadura. A native bun Pernambuco, [8] and subsequently spread throughout the country which is the bolo de rolo , made with wheat flour. The Maranhão, which seems to cuxá on the basis of the kitchen afriana the vinagreira . On the coast there is, however, abundant seafood and tropical fruits in the dishes you love constant in the region. The best known are the mango , the mamões the goiabas , oranges, passion fruit the abacaxis , la fruta-do-conde , el cajus (la fruta de la castaña). Centro-Oeste: El pequi es muy popular en la cocina del estado de Goiás y es servido generalmente con arroz. Los pescados y la carne de las haciendas de la región dominan el menú, junto con la soja , el arroz, el mijo y la mandioca .
Sudeste: En Minas Gerais los platos regionales incluyen maíz, carne de cerdo, queijo minas , el pão de queijo , y el feijão tropeiro , angu , el tutu à mineira , una pasta de frijoles con harina de mandioca and fried bananas. A typical meal of São Paulo and hauling à São Paulo, which is made with rice, tutu de feijão (mass of beans and manioc flour), the Couve de Folhas and pieces of pork in salting. The local dish Espirito Santo Espirito Santo is the moqueca (which includes mainly fish and tomato . South: In Rio Grande do Sul is traditionally put steak, or grilled beef churrasqueira . The traditional food of the state of Paraná is barred , is cooked in clay pots, placed in layers below land to be cooked with the heat of the sun.