Monday, July 5, 2010

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Hair and Shampoo: The Perfect Match


Technical Advisor for International SedalMag
are together for almost 200 years. Throughout the time managed to empower and evolve to take shape in excellent formulas. can not live without each other. The shampoo and hair, an inseparable duo ...
When we beautifying alternative, the shampoo is one of the items that top our list.
is almost impossible to think you feel more beautiful without a good hair product. And there is no age for this.
Because since we girls feel comfortable with your hair is key.
Those with curls, the limp, the moisture-fighting let alone which will lose some hair. All we see in the shampoo to a key ally to face the world safer and healthier. But how did women before when there was this friend unconditionally? They had no choice but to turn to soap. the story goes back 4000 years or so, Hittites of Asia Minor washed their hands with the ashes of a plant (soap), suspended in water. Sumerians alkaline solutions prepared for washing.
"Technically, none of these preparations was soap, but they approached this product. The Phoenicians managed to make it in the year 600 BC, managed to boiling goat fat, water and ash high in potassium carbonate, allowing fluid to evaporate to form a solid soap and wax-like consistency. The population to wash, grease or tallow saponifying natural and made with a continuity ever daily performance and achieved good aesthetic results medium, "explains trichologist
Miguel Angel Cisterna, director of portal
The specialist explained that the soap residue and emulsified in a way that the natural sebum of the hair and deposited in them.

in vogue The word "shampoo" originated in England in 1870. At the same time that India was part of the British Empire, its people are fascinated with fashion and Indian art. English barbers also adopted this trend. That was how began using the word shampoo, derived from the Hindu "Champ," which means "massage." "In Germany, a team of scientists created the first shampoos," explains Cisterna. Technically, the first shampoo was produced in Germany in 1890. After the First World War, the product was launched as a commercial preparation for the hygiene of the scalp. currently almost impossible to adapt to other types of hygiene. For a wash with natural plant extracts, maybe longer be needed and would require a huge effort by laboratories and consumers. In addition, higher quality brands are made with basic ingredients that make a shampoo meets all functions. Its formula contains: cleaning agents, foam modifiers or promoters, conditioners, thickeners, additives, perfumes, colors and special additives (antiseborrheic and dandruff).

timely manner for proper hygiene of our hair we must consider two important aspects: the characteristics of the scalp and hair fibers.
"At first we wash it according to their needs, according to sebaceous-water production. Is it dry or oily? With respect to the fiber, this area does not need a deep cleansing as the scalp. Because of its structure (keratinization or cornification protein) would be enough to clean water only, unless we want to remove styling products (hairspray, gel, spray, etc.). Currently, the most important laboratories to provide high technology products to address such situations, "concludes Cisterna. The ultimate shampoo Sedal brand was launched in Argentina in August 1953, introducing a revolutionary product: the shampoo.

then was to innovate through the introduction of varieties for each type of hair. This was a milestone in the field of hair cosmetics brand that ranked in a leadership role in market position which in turn prompted her to undertake new developments to meet the increasingly demanding requirements of the female audience. In the 70 brought to market the cream rinse, while in the '80s introduced new varieties from natural ingredients (ginseng, seaweed, henna, etc.). In 2001, the brand launched combing creams and creams for treatment through a variety Sedal Hidraloe.
In recent years, Sedal continued to expand the range of hair products with daily treatments for the care of color and line development Sedal Summer care and hair protection against extreme conditions summer. Copyright
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