Monday, February 11, 2008

How Long Should A Sew In Weave Stay In

What is EIR? Call

The Internal Nurse Resident (or EIR) is a test of nursing graduates must pass in Spain after graduation to pursue one of the other specialties: Mental Health or Midwifery. These specialties are made by the residency system, similar to that of doctors with MIR . The difference is that nurses can work in other fields (most) only with the title of general nurses.
The Royal Decree 450/2005, of
April 22 on nursing specialties, regulates the creation new especialides, which are:
midwives Nursing (Matron).
Mental Health Nursing.
Geriatric Nursing.
Occupational Health Nursing and Occupational Health.
Care Nursing Medical-Surgical.
Family and Community Nursing.
Pediatric Nursing. Today
that decree continues to be underdeveloped and nursing has only two specialties mentioned initially.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Light Grey Suit Shirt And Tie

The Health Ministry and the Autonomous agree to offer specialized medical training and the new regulation 2007/2008 of specialized training.

The Ministry of Health and the Autonomous Communities have adopted at the plenary session of the Human Resources National Health System an offer of 7,341 specialized health training places for all degrees, to be awarded in 2008 (489 seats more than the previous year). The supply of places for nursing specialties amounts to 488 seats (2.5% compared to the previous call). Of these 355 are for nursing midwives (midwives) and 133 for mental health.

Ministry of Health / Department MADRID Communication, 09/14/2007.
Minister of Health and Consumption, Bernat Soria, has chaired the first plenary of the Committee on Human Resources of the National Health Service (NHS) in the Ministry's headquarters in Madrid. This meeting addressed three key issues: the adoption of the places available for specialized training of health professionals for the next course, called the draft royal decree on training aspects (for specialized training) and second-level joint training radiológica.De protect these 7,341 seats, 6,853 are included in the so-called offer general call (for medical, pharmaceutical, chemical, biologists, biochemists, psychologists and radiophysicists). 6,661 correspond to the internal training system, which is up 7.9% on the previous edition, and 192 students in regime (compared to 200 in the previous call). This figure is added to the supply of places for the specialty of Occupational Medicine, which published its special characteristics, as in previous years, in February 2008, together with the relations of separate test results. In accordance with the provisions of the Law on Health Professions (LOPS), the Human Resources Committee, which comprises representatives of the Autonomous Communities determined, taking into account proposals made by them, the supply of places for each of the specialties and their territorial distribution between the different health services. Distribution

The review of access to places that are offered for the 2007/2008 period will be held on January 19, 2008. All regions, according to their needs of specialists and their training capacity, have raised their rates over the previous year. The 488 places available for allocation by the system of residence to be included in the call for nursing specialties are distributed as follows:

- Obstetrical Nursing Gynecological: 355 seats.

- Mental Health Nursing: 133 seats.

Within the Commission there was also considerable discussion about the needs of specialists in our health system and the desirability of continuing with the actions to complete the study carried out in this regard by the Ministry of Health, including The latest forecast of the autonomous communities. It also indicated the need for continuing efforts to increase the number of teaching units for the short term the supply of specialized medical training places is as broad and balanced as possible.
draft royal decree on training aspects
Commission reported the draft royal decree determining and classifying the specialties in health sciences and develop certain aspects of specialized medical training system, known as the Royal Decree of training aspects. This rule implies an essential step in the development of LOPS and consequently in the upgrade, improvement and systematization of specialized medical training system:

- Configuring a single model for all specialties in health sciences.
- Upgrading and flexible the concept of teaching unit and enabling the creation of teaching units in multi-character line with the principles contained in the LOPS. - Generalizing Teaching Committees or Central Unit as unique corporate bodies. - Enhancing and regulating the tutor as a primary responsibility for monitoring the resident's training and compliance with the relevant program, so that limits to five the maximum number of residents for each tutor. The importance of this figure determines the necessary accreditation, periodic assessment of competence, dedication and proper recognition of their work by state government.
- Addressing the dual supervision decreasing increasing responsibility so characteristic of the system of residence and providing oversight of the physical presence of first-year resident. - Structuring evaluation (Training, annual and final) and its revisions and incorporating the assessment of excellence at the end of the training period through annual testing requirements in the field from around the state.
- regulating the accreditation and quality control procedures of the educational structures in three levels: teaching committee, autonomous regions and Quality Agency, National Health System, which counted with the participation of residents.
- This rule is an opportunity to incorporate significant changes in high demand in the sector such as those related to the MIR test to encourage the conclusion of the specialty started, those designed to ensure the break between sessions of residents. - The decree annexing the agreement approved by the Human Resources Committee on National Health System, by establishing common criteria which enabled the coordinated development of the broad range of skills that LOPS attributed to the health administrations in training specialized care.