Monday, February 11, 2008

How Long Should A Sew In Weave Stay In

What is EIR? Call

The Internal Nurse Resident (or EIR) is a test of nursing graduates must pass in Spain after graduation to pursue one of the other specialties: Mental Health or Midwifery. These specialties are made by the residency system, similar to that of doctors with MIR . The difference is that nurses can work in other fields (most) only with the title of general nurses.
The Royal Decree 450/2005, of
April 22 on nursing specialties, regulates the creation new especialides, which are:
midwives Nursing (Matron).
Mental Health Nursing.
Geriatric Nursing.
Occupational Health Nursing and Occupational Health.
Care Nursing Medical-Surgical.
Family and Community Nursing.
Pediatric Nursing. Today
that decree continues to be underdeveloped and nursing has only two specialties mentioned initially.


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