Monday, January 11, 2010

What To Do When Warts Turn Black

Good Health Magazine by sun exposure or by increasing the friction between hair fibers (hairs).

* In addition to the factors of the summer, will power can also weaken?
Of course, hair and nails are extensions of the skin. If we present a poor diet know with certainty which will result in skin and hair with lack of light, opaque, rough, without health and aesthetics.

* Before entering the pool or the sea, is there any action we can take to reduce the harm?

recommend protecting the hair fiber and scalp. The latter should not tan at the same tone that we in the face.
recommend using products that ensure the maintenance of fat and water in the hair fiber. This will give you protection, maintain your weight and the hair mass. * What are the substances that must have a product to restore nutrition to hair loss? Vitamins, amino acids and a set of essential minerals such as In, Mg, Cu, Ca and P, among others. In addition, a glutamic acid derivative present in our body PCA (Pyrrolidone Carboxylate sodium) combined with an essential amino acid (proline), ensures hydration nutrition and strengthening the hair.
* Are effective products with UV filters?
Very effective and necessary for this time of year. * In summer, would it be cream or treatment baths more frequently (for example, more than once a week)?

must be done more frequently, of course. We must remember to choose the most appropriate to our reality capillary.
The on-display products in the fiber (hair) does not guarantee greater protection.
We understand that in most formulations Current products use surfactants or surfactants are not recommended in excess and can produce undesirable effects.
* What other care should be taken into account if you also use dryer and "flat iron" heat?
not abuse them. Because for a change in form (morphology) of hair is necessary dehydration.
* What other advice can you give us to have a healthy and abundant hair?

reiterate that a healthy diet. Hydration (drinking water). Using the right products. Taking care not to over-expose the hair to chemical physical processes (Brushing, ironed-relaxers, permanent name a few). Combing antistatic brushes or combs that may be of wood, bone, carbon fiber. Improve the quality of our hair.

* How could do home repair intensive treatment?

-Sanitizing the scalp with a shampoo that brings Lift up-regulation tallow. "Spread if necessary, the excess oil from scalp to hair or fiber."
-Gently blot hair with towel and rub to avoid damaging the cuticle.
-Do not use dry heat (hair dryer), so if you do not open cuticle. "With her hair still wet, apply honey I products rich in amino acids. -Keep hair wrapped in a towel for 10 to 20 minutes.

-Rinse with warm water to cool slowly.
-Unraveling and comb gently.

that day-Avoid direct sunlight on the hair.
Copyright Good Health Magazine

Year 17 N 206


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