Monday, October 11, 2010

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FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ASSASSINATION OF 2005 IN THE Melilla fence And Intercultural Week

A days as special as the 5th of October each year days to the memory of those killed in fences Ceuta and Melilla , 5 years after , once again looming on the horizon the possibility that those events happen again, and the same places.

Since 2006, jumping the fence have been rare, mainly due to the current practice of the Moroccan army to shoot all who dares to play such a defensive structure.

During these 5 years, the refugees it impossible to enter through the fence have fallen into the hands of the gangs that for a price of 3000 EUR 5000 introduce them in the city, mainly in the interior of vehicles truncated.

The number of refugees who enter Melilla "paying" is similar to what came before the unfortunate events of 2005, ie the political European border control have produced an opposite effect to that sought: 1 .- has not diminished significantly the number of entries refugees Melilla. 2 .- It has vastly increased the power of the mafias that traffic in people.

Since last July, as a result of serious political crisis that cross-English relations Moroccan the situation on the border of Melilla has changed

Last Thursday, July refugees jumped over the fence Melilla and many others tried without success. refugees are entering Melilla from the nearby coast from the second half of September 15-25 refugees enter each days.

Morocco has ceased tight border control in Melilla to put in a difficult tessitura to Spain and that accessing their pretensions annexation on Western Sahara.

All this is just the evidence of shameful marketing people who they're up to certain countries the EU with dictatorships of North Africa as Morocco and Libya. now up to blackmail Europe suffer from these dictatorships erected the guardians of the borders, remember the recent statements by Gaddafi in Italy where I say that Europe would be black in a few months if not pay certain sums of money ... The current situation Border Melilla is similar.

Five years after the murders of Ceuta and Melilla , setting political again the same: refugees return to be a currency exchange business interests and dirty between countries of EU like Italy or Spain and dictators and kings of the south. It matters little that the people are good little care about human rights . The refugees are a valuable economic and political for countries involved in the management of immigration . Currently the policies governing the proceedings with refugees in countries on both sides of M EDITERRANEAN are similar to those practiced by the gangs that smuggle people.

Melilla, 2005 (photo: Sergi House )
Melilla, 2005 (photo From Sergi Chamber )
Melilla, 2005 (photo: Sergi House )

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