Thursday, January 7, 2010

Dyspnea And Tachycardia

YOU ARGENTINA Magazine alopecia, baldness has been mostly a guy thing. But some changes in lifestyle can have serious impact on women's hair. Are there more bald women XXI century? At the moment, there are no statistics on this, but experts warn that stress and weight loss diets can trigger or aggravate hair loss and lead to alopecia, once established, is difficult to reverse. A normal hair in both men and women, has about 100,000 hairs. With this funding we are born and die if she did not stand in the middle of a series of genetic and environmental factors that undermine the capital, sometimes dramatically. That fall when combing hair may be normal. Falling many may be the passport to baldness. "From how many? Experts have not agreed on a figure. But if you lose "hundred day" should begin to address.
At birth, our body has the capacity to be between 33 and 38 cycles of hair, and each of these cycles have an average life of three years. Therefore, if you follow this sequence one should go bald before 100 years. But if cycles are accelerated and lasting three years instead of half, run out before.

alopecia is a hereditary process in which multiple factors and genes. Hormonal imbalances, stress or poor nutrition can trigger the process in people who are predisposed to alopecia. We must distinguish between two main groups: androgenetic alopecia (hair loss from a hormonal disorder in cases of genetic predisposition) and telogen effluvium (hair loss due to diet, serious illness or a side effect of certain medications .)
According to Dr. Francisco Camacho, head of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology Medical Surgical Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena in Seville and author of the hair, the hair follicle diseases ":" 20% of English women between 20 and 89 years suffer from alopecia. Of these, a very high percentage, especially in the age group 16 to 29 years are dieting and do not get enough nutrients such as protein, fatty acids or ferritin. The body needs these protein reserves for organs such as bone marrow, lung or liver, and if not obtained from food, making hair ". In women aged 30 to 39 years are more frequent other nutritional deficiencies such as lack of biotin, vitamin B12 or iron. In addition, more and more women who do not assimilate well as iron, so before continuing drug treatment against hair loss should choose a diet rich in red meat hyperproteic.

Until 2000 all types of hair loss were listed as female androgenetic alopecia. Prevails today in the American scientific classification Elise Olsen, which distinguishes between early alopecia (which appear before menopause) and late. In each of these two groups, in turn distinguishes between alopecia which have elevated androgens and no. In the women's groups in which androgens are increased, the disease process is similar to the male. In no androgen excess telogen effluvium occurs with a gradual fall and diffuse hair.
"One of the main enzymes involved in alopecia is the 5-alpha reductase, which converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, a hormone responsible for androgenic alopecia final. Excess operation of this hormone is produced at birth, but not manifested until they develop the sex hormones, from adolescence. androgenetic alopecia occurs because there is a greater awareness of pilo sebaceous follicles to dihydrotestosterone, and not because there is an excess of it "(1)
Sometimes when it becomes chronic telogen effluvium, androgenetic alopecia may be mistaken, and should make differential diagnostic tests, including measurement of hair diameter. In chronic telogen effluvium, which often appears suddenly in women between 40 and 60 years, the hair is thinner but not reach the levels of androgenic alopecia. A normal hair has a thickness of between 0.055 and 0.085 mm, but in androgenetic alopecia the diameter is less than 0.04 mm.
Stress is one of the factors that are associated with hair loss. However, experts insist that in most cases what is popularly known as alopecia of stress is not nothing but a worsening of androgenetic alopecia. The only scientifically accepted as alopecia of tension or stress alopecia is alopecia areata, one that is caused by a severe emotional shock resulting from situations such as death of a relative, a breakup of the couple, serious economic problems and intense emotional situations.
When stress is due to overwork or too fast pace of life are androgenetic alopecia which is aggravated by the fact that an increase in androgens in the adrenal glands " (2).

But hair loss can also result from physical stress, as the action of ultraviolet rays. In 1996 it was observed that patients with alopecia had a number of people to areas of the scalp to expose those who are falling even more hair. This meant that about three months before had been a trauma. It came to the conclusion that this damage had been generated by the effect of sunlight, but not figured out the mechanism that produced this condition (2.1).

Other research showed that the hair acts as an optical fiber capable of absorbing light intensity and transmit to the bulge. "There, the melanocytes act as micro batteries and produce a reaction that causes hair loss" (2.2).

(1) Dr. Manuel Velasco, Dermatology Service Hospital Arnau de Vilanova (Valencia).

(2), (2.1), (2.2), Team Work Trichology Virgen Macarena Hospital, led by Dr. Camacho and a German research group led by Dr. Ralf Paus.

(*) trichologist-DGEP of "
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0521 Tel: (54 11) 48 25 48 50 2522 P 5 B Beruti
(1425) Capital Federal, Argentina

Edition May / June 2007 - Year I No. 6 Copyright magazine
YOU ARGENTINA. All rights reserved.


Anonymous said...

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