Thursday, September 30, 2010

Naruto Front License Plate

trichologist "baldness. Not just their problem."

New Beauty Magazine
but scientifically is called alopecia. involves temporary or permanent loss of hair and there are solutions for each case. While it is generally believed that abnormal hair fall is a problem that afflicts men, women are not exempt. In our case may be due, among other things, the hormonal revolution of menopause or postpartum, diseases related to the thyroid glands or skin infections. TYPES OF FALL
Doctors are five types of alopecia and women can be suffering. Each variant has different characteristics and treatments.
Androgenetic Alopecia
: often hereditary and can begin at any age. In that case, the hair falls in the area of \u200b\u200bthe front, sides or crown. 30% of women over 50 have this type of baldness. Alopecia areata


is characterized by sudden loss of hair in a particular area but, often, the hair grows back after several months," says Maria Isabel Ahedo specialist, technical director of Arbell.

toxic alopecia:

excessive doses of vitamin A,

some medications such as thallium and retinoids can cause this type of alopecia. "Usually

occur following an episode of high fever or after a serious illness," says Ahedo thereon. Alopecia cicatricial

: these are areas of the scalp that undergo a process of healing. Diseases like lupus or bacterial infections of the skin, leaving scars in its wake may be causing this type of alopecia. It is also the case of some injuries or burns. Trichotillomania: is considered the habit of hair pulling a type of hair loss.


genetic conditions, remedies and skin diseases are not the only cause of alopecia. "Anemia, hypothyroidism or stress often lead to hair loss in women," says Dr. Jorge Gabriel Noe Biolook. Luke Wella Studio Menéndez women can suffer from baldness by "hormonal changes that occur at different stages of women, whether in the age of development after pregnancy or during menopause." It also notes that the specialist Ahedo poor circulation, excess sebum and carrying an unbalanced diet, deficient in vitamins and minerals also increase hair loss.

Met with lotion?

sold in pharmacies an array of products to treat baldness. From shampoos, conditioners, serums and lotions to treat the problem externally to swallow tablets daily. This treatment is effective in many cases. Especially when hair loss is related to stress, circulatory problems with feeding or hormonal disorders.

"Hair is an inert element, which consists mainly of keratin. Most products are substances intended to offer the hair bulb produce more substrate for this protein, "explains Dr. Twisty, Durand Hospital surgeon.

formulations also often contain natural ingredients such as nettle, ginkgo biloba, horsetail and include in its composition vitamins and minerals. However, the supply of glass contributes to the regulation promotes circulation and sebaceous and hair more balanced nutrition. "The market offers excellent products. There stabilizing complex with sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamin H that helps refresh and revitalize the scalp, stop drop and stimulate natural hair growth, "says Menéndez.

Consult an

When health is at risk, doctor's visit is mandatory. appropriate specialist to treat hair loss is the trichologist, a figure that, according to dr. Twisty is little known in Argentina. "It is the technician for both diagnosis and care of the hair fiber as the scalp, and is best able to guide a patient in the care of healthy hair and preventing hair damage," he explains.

addition trichologist other professionals can be consulted. According to Menendez, "when

is temporary, any stylist trained in fall can make a proper diagnosis and recommend treatments to stop it and strengthen weakened hair. However, if the fall is excessive is advisable to consult a trusted dermatologist, with specific analysis, to diagnose the problem. "


is one of the most effective options to treat irreversible baldness. This is a surgical restoration process is the basis of hair transplantation. There are several techniques.

The traditional extract a portion of bald scalp and put in place a strip or flap in another area. The healing process is prolonged by at least 30 days and can affect the sensitivity of the donor area, ie that of the strip is removed. Currently, research and technology development are inclined to the micrografting. In this sense, dr. Noe says that "the hair by hair Hair transplant is an effective treatment. As the transplanted hair comes from a different hormonally sector that falls, endures forever. " The latest technique in hair grafting units called FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). It is a hair restoration system that takes place in two stages. First they made the follicular extraction. This phase is performed with a microbisturí withdrawing from 200 to 300 follicular units per hour. Then with a tool called


grafted follicles in the bald area. According to Dr. Twisty

responsible for this technique, the surgical procedure is completely painless, comparable to a simple dental treatment under local anesthesia "

. The advantages of this system are many: the healing of the delay of 2 to 4 four days, and sutures are not without risk of nerve damage. The downside, price: $ 3 plus tax per follicular unit.

WAS system is recommended after 25 years of age and is not applicable in cicatricial alopecia caused by trauma or burns. Can be grafted to 9300 hair, 1500 follicular units per session.

Dr. Twisty states that "the transplanted hairs do not fall. However, if in the area where hair is transplanted natives still exist, these themselves are liable to be affected by hormonal and miss process. So we operate only stabilized patients with alopecia. "

What precautions should be taken during the postoperative period?


not to hit, follow the specialist for daily hygiene and avoid hair dyes first month. The rest, normal life.

Women typically use electronics products such as beautifying hair styling creams, using irons or curling tong or a spray Antifrizz. Ensures Dr. Chueco that regular hair care beauty in women are not contraindicated, "after the first postoperative month no problem because the whole beauty care is performed on the hair bulb is not affected."


"90% of women who have a problem do drop temporarily. That is, with a specific treatment and continuity, dysfunction is resolved, "said Menendez. In these cases, doctors may indicate drug intake point and spot treatments that are applied directly to the scalp. When alopecia is irreversible yes or no recourse if the graft hair or a wig. Wigs also are ideal when the fall is due to the use of remedies or produced by X-ray This type of temporary alopecia also not effectively treated with lotions.


damaged hair, sensitive or very porous does not fall: cut. The doctors say

traumatic alopecia and hair stylists speak of damage to break. This is a temporary fall of hair and is produced by the excessive application of heat or chemicals on the hair.


-By day, naturally lose 80 to 120 hairs. "In the normal scalp, capillary density per square centimeter is 60 follicular units. -Each follicular unit has 1 to 4 hairs. "The hair goes through a process of birth or" ANAGENA "transition or" catagen "and drop or" telogen ".

-80% of hairs are in anagen stage (birth). This stage lasts 5 to 7 years or so, and determines the durability of hair growth.

-Only 1% of our scalp hair is in stage "CATÓGENA" (transition). The period takes 20 to 40 days. -14% of hairs are in telogen phase (fall) from 2 to 4 months: this hair fall regrowth.

We recommend wearing a wig?:

Typically, patients suffering from alopecia after exposure to radiation or chemotherapy utililizan a wig until her hair grows back. This prevents the following treatment to restore health to play them against their appearance. The desire to care and the mirror returns a nice image contribute to the physical and emotional recovery of the patient. Therefore, the trichologist Miguel Cisterna

states "must take precedence over all the patient's expectation, his desire to be aesthetically pleasing." However, the wig can cause mild discomfort and even resent the scalp with a small mark. "We encourage the patient to use it when you feel uncomfortable or do not want to have the process done. However, we recommend that when you get home or whenever they can take it away, so that the leather oxygenate and relax hair, "says the specialist.

the hair care tips

* If you use a plate, do you blow dry or tennis awaits you in time of rest before repeating the procedure to avoid weakening the hair fiber. * Use the right products for your hair. If you got questions, I turned to a specialist for an accurate examination of the scalp .* If those under treatment, avoid the use of equipment and chemicals until you restore the minimum conditions .* preferred natural health natural dyes, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide or synthetic pigments.

Source: Miguel Cisterna trichologist

Useful information * Dr. Alejandro Twisty, InjertoCapilar director of Advanced Hair Surgery Center tel. 011 4958 3773

* Miguel Cisterna, trichologist, technical diploma in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bdirector of CABELLOySALUD ® CADC tel. 011 4825 4850


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Saturday, September 25, 2010

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CEUTA Munich:

Thursday, September 23, 2010

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Bangla support is given to not stop. Senator Nuet

Fight Network Poverty and Social excursion noted that from Melilla Administration officials were made promises that were never fulfilled.

"The application of standards and rules for this group has been very strict when compared with others. Since the constituent units of the network represent that we are totally against the way he has conducted this performance, "said the secretary general of the Network for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion in Melilla (EAPN), Manuel Lorenzo. This statement responds to the actions taken with the group of Bangladeshis living in the city and a few weeks ago were transferred to the mainland.
"We're not all agree on how it has taken throughout this process and we understand that the Administration has been particularly severe in this group, "said Lorenzo.
In this sense, the general secretary of EAPN remarked that this group of people who arrived five years ago the city had been well integrated with society and Melilla have not caused any problems, but on the contrary, " have lived peacefully and correctly with all. "
Thus, clarified that there were many promises that have not been met "by administration officials and understand that it has pursued a very drastic situation to them and unfair. "

expulsion process

From EAPN general secretariat stated that in the case of having to carry out an expulsion, it must do in the period of time short as possible after arrival, "there almost five years who are unable to leave Melilla until they move to Barcelona and there they are returned to their country."
was emphasized that "have been especially strict with them compared with other groups such as the Algerian Saharan or who spend long periods shorter in the city ", since in these cases are moved to the peninsula and if they are repatriated to their countries of origin are in free circulation. A practice that have not performed with the Bengalis
also noted that senior officials from the Administration spoke in the presence of several NGOs in Melilla to find a solution for this group and finally the desired solution has been placed by the time Barcelona center waiting to be repatriated to their country of origin.

Make A Rope Ladder Wood

(EUiA) asked the government to halt the expulsion of 47 bangles.


Senator, Joan Josep Nuet, attached to the Entesa parliamentary group has carried out negotiations for the government to halt the expulsion from Spain of 47 Bengali citizens currently residing in the Immigration Detention Centre in Barcelona.

Senator has contacted the Ministries of Interior and Labour and Immigration, at the same time it has filed a written response to questions in the Senate Government

has Nuet

declared that "people can not afford the legal limbo and must be resolved on the basis of demonstrated rooting for them to continue living and working as normal in our society"

Text of Question:

D. JOAN JOSEP Nuet I Pujals Senator appointed by the Parliament of Catalonia, CATALAN ENTESA PARLIAMENTARY GROUP PROGRAMMING, under the provisions of sections 160 and 169 of the Rules of the House, presents the following question for written answer:

The Tuesday September 7, police raided National Center Temporary Stay of Immigrants (CETI) of Melilla and arrested 47 people who resided there. These people were moved later to the Immigration Detention Centre (CIE) in Barcelona where they are currently held These 47 people arrived 3 Spain beset by grave humanitarian situation that existed in Bangladesh due to repeated natural disasters. A humanitarian situation that still persists These citizens have been living in Melilla CETI over 4 years, which exceeds the time required for processing and obtaining a residence permit for exceptional circumstances regulated root in the Aliens Act in force. The stay of nearly five years is proven by their respective documents for entry into the CETI, but there is no legislation that covers this situation having become the CETI of Melilla in an area of \u200b\u200blegal limbo.

During his long stay in Melilla, these people have learned Castilian, language they speak and write correctly. Have followed many courses in different subjects taught at if CETI, have contributed to the improvement and remodeling. Survived earning an honest living and be cleaning cars, hauling goods short-term or even doing work for those who have even contributed to Social Security. In short, have repeatedly shown their willingness to live and work honestly in Spain.

All these people have job offers to his name, and with all legal requirements of the Employer, which have been submitted with the applications they have started. This group of immigrants has previously tried to process your application root in a Government Delegation of Melilla. These applications were declared admissible and are currently pending for judicial review. This attitude of the Immigration Bureau of Melilla has prevented the legalization of these people by forcing them to remain in the irregularity.

behavior of these people is well known as exemplary in the words of Melilla authorities. Enjoy high esteem, as evidenced by obtaining more than 15,000 signatures in support of their demand for residence. Request has also had the support of President of the Autonomous City and various political forces, trade unions and social.

For several years, by different Foreign Offices of the Peninsula, have issued instructions to revoke the deportation orders for those foreign nationals who roots for accredited status, thus enabling them to regularize their status. Even by the Directorate General of Emigration, issued a statement which provided for revocation or office file removal proceedings or refund for those who vouch roots in our country. Therefore, the situation in which they find these people is a clear discrimination in relation to other foreign persons found on the peninsula and even people of other nationalities who were in the CITE of Melilla and were moved to the Peninsula even with a stay of less than a year, released and then regularized. Therefore, and in relation to these people who are almost 5 years of detention without any legal protection, there was a discriminatory act.

Will the Government of Spain to revoke the deportation orders of the 47 Bangladeshi citizens so they can continue living and working peacefully in our country?