Thursday, September 23, 2010

Make A Rope Ladder Wood

(EUiA) asked the government to halt the expulsion of 47 bangles.


Senator, Joan Josep Nuet, attached to the Entesa parliamentary group has carried out negotiations for the government to halt the expulsion from Spain of 47 Bengali citizens currently residing in the Immigration Detention Centre in Barcelona.

Senator has contacted the Ministries of Interior and Labour and Immigration, at the same time it has filed a written response to questions in the Senate Government

has Nuet

declared that "people can not afford the legal limbo and must be resolved on the basis of demonstrated rooting for them to continue living and working as normal in our society"

Text of Question:

D. JOAN JOSEP Nuet I Pujals Senator appointed by the Parliament of Catalonia, CATALAN ENTESA PARLIAMENTARY GROUP PROGRAMMING, under the provisions of sections 160 and 169 of the Rules of the House, presents the following question for written answer:

The Tuesday September 7, police raided National Center Temporary Stay of Immigrants (CETI) of Melilla and arrested 47 people who resided there. These people were moved later to the Immigration Detention Centre (CIE) in Barcelona where they are currently held These 47 people arrived 3 Spain beset by grave humanitarian situation that existed in Bangladesh due to repeated natural disasters. A humanitarian situation that still persists These citizens have been living in Melilla CETI over 4 years, which exceeds the time required for processing and obtaining a residence permit for exceptional circumstances regulated root in the Aliens Act in force. The stay of nearly five years is proven by their respective documents for entry into the CETI, but there is no legislation that covers this situation having become the CETI of Melilla in an area of \u200b\u200blegal limbo.

During his long stay in Melilla, these people have learned Castilian, language they speak and write correctly. Have followed many courses in different subjects taught at if CETI, have contributed to the improvement and remodeling. Survived earning an honest living and be cleaning cars, hauling goods short-term or even doing work for those who have even contributed to Social Security. In short, have repeatedly shown their willingness to live and work honestly in Spain.

All these people have job offers to his name, and with all legal requirements of the Employer, which have been submitted with the applications they have started. This group of immigrants has previously tried to process your application root in a Government Delegation of Melilla. These applications were declared admissible and are currently pending for judicial review. This attitude of the Immigration Bureau of Melilla has prevented the legalization of these people by forcing them to remain in the irregularity.

behavior of these people is well known as exemplary in the words of Melilla authorities. Enjoy high esteem, as evidenced by obtaining more than 15,000 signatures in support of their demand for residence. Request has also had the support of President of the Autonomous City and various political forces, trade unions and social.

For several years, by different Foreign Offices of the Peninsula, have issued instructions to revoke the deportation orders for those foreign nationals who roots for accredited status, thus enabling them to regularize their status. Even by the Directorate General of Emigration, issued a statement which provided for revocation or office file removal proceedings or refund for those who vouch roots in our country. Therefore, the situation in which they find these people is a clear discrimination in relation to other foreign persons found on the peninsula and even people of other nationalities who were in the CITE of Melilla and were moved to the Peninsula even with a stay of less than a year, released and then regularized. Therefore, and in relation to these people who are almost 5 years of detention without any legal protection, there was a discriminatory act.

Will the Government of Spain to revoke the deportation orders of the 47 Bangladeshi citizens so they can continue living and working peacefully in our country?


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