Thursday, September 23, 2010

Creatine Monohydrate Pre Or Post Workout

Bangla support is given to not stop. Senator Nuet

Fight Network Poverty and Social excursion noted that from Melilla Administration officials were made promises that were never fulfilled.

"The application of standards and rules for this group has been very strict when compared with others. Since the constituent units of the network represent that we are totally against the way he has conducted this performance, "said the secretary general of the Network for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion in Melilla (EAPN), Manuel Lorenzo. This statement responds to the actions taken with the group of Bangladeshis living in the city and a few weeks ago were transferred to the mainland.
"We're not all agree on how it has taken throughout this process and we understand that the Administration has been particularly severe in this group, "said Lorenzo.
In this sense, the general secretary of EAPN remarked that this group of people who arrived five years ago the city had been well integrated with society and Melilla have not caused any problems, but on the contrary, " have lived peacefully and correctly with all. "
Thus, clarified that there were many promises that have not been met "by administration officials and understand that it has pursued a very drastic situation to them and unfair. "

expulsion process

From EAPN general secretariat stated that in the case of having to carry out an expulsion, it must do in the period of time short as possible after arrival, "there almost five years who are unable to leave Melilla until they move to Barcelona and there they are returned to their country."
was emphasized that "have been especially strict with them compared with other groups such as the Algerian Saharan or who spend long periods shorter in the city ", since in these cases are moved to the peninsula and if they are repatriated to their countries of origin are in free circulation. A practice that have not performed with the Bengalis
also noted that senior officials from the Administration spoke in the presence of several NGOs in Melilla to find a solution for this group and finally the desired solution has been placed by the time Barcelona center waiting to be repatriated to their country of origin.


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