Sunday, January 30, 2011

Honey Onyx Tile Bathroom Ideas


Documentary about the city of León, which is spoken of history, heritage, traditions, cultural life and gastronomy. The program also visits other towns and places of the province noted for its monuments and history. . html

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Female Genitle Tattoo

15: Invalicabile Europe (intransitive Europe).

fence and Melilla Moroccan soldier

Play program:

Thursday, January 27, 2011

How Thick Do Lips Have To Be To Be Thick

Other stories from India (Carmen Echarri). Hindus in Ceuta and Melilla on the brink of deportation .. Five years later

are twenty and always go together. They are the last of a group of 54 four years ago were erected into a symbol of a struggle, a bid to get something as basic as hope, a opportunity to forge a brighter future than the meager past that they left in their home country and the uncertain present now living in Ceuta.

mates are already in Madrid, trying to model this newfound freedom. They have to wait. It is assumed that soon would be able to go to the mainland. It is because, they say, they were promised, after four years living in a legal and bureaucratic limbo, caught in a cycle which can not escape. For the last 20 Indians of the mountain are well known in Ceuta. They are known in the Hindu temple, where they participate in all activities and prayers are known in the commercial areas where they work; and are known in the church, where he also collaborate. They are something like 'property' of Ceuta, or at least those who know them understand this. Behind those 20 people there are stories, there are men who left their families, their land to the economic hardships ... Today we have put them a name and a face.

Ram Babu: It was in 2005 in Punjab, land, and here he has managed to learn a trade

is 23 years and almost four of them happened in Ceuta. In their homeland, Punjab, left his parents and three siblings. There was no work for all and economic needs was enough. The grocery store run by his father did not guarantee keep the whole family, so Babu Ram had to leave India. Embarked on a clandestine journey complicated and not without risk. Even witnessed the death of several colleagues in his first attempt to reach Ceuta. He still remembers that night in which it decided to take its place in a small boat that offered shortly naufragaría from Moroccan waters. "The boat turned around and killed five of the immigrants who journeyed with me. We spent two hours in the water until they came after us, "says Babu. That was his first trip in a complicated way that ended in Ceuta months after entering the city hidden in a vehicle. He left behind his native Punjab y su paso por otros puntos: Mali, Burkina Fasso, Argelia.
Babu tiene estudios, completó Secundaria en la India y Ceuta le ha dado además del cariño de su gente y de buenas amistades, la posibilidad de aprender un oficio. Lleva ya meses trabajando en una tienda y si fuera a la península se vería capacitado para poder desarrollar sin problemas cualquier trabajo en una ferretería. Aprende fácil y eso le ha servido para formarse. Babu lleva seis años sin saber de su familia. Las escasas noticias que le llegan se resumen en dos palabras: problemas económicos. Su familia pensó que con la marcha de Babu a Europa sus problemas empezarías a solucionarse. No sólo marchaba el hijo, se marchaba la esperanza de salir adelante. The fruit shop and did not allow for much less in an area as poor as that of Punjab, north India and place of origin of most of the Indians who had reached Ceuta in recent years. Babu Ram is one of 20 of these young immigrants and perhaps one of the least known. Dreams of having a life ahead, a future, to achieve that improvement with dreams of his family.
now waiting on the CETI after spending almost a thousand days in the bush. While waiting for his story, a testimony that everybody knows.

Bhupinder Singh: You know agriculture and their land became even a taxi driver. Bhupinder

want to work and spend 37 years and takes just over six without knowing nothing of his wife and two children and must have completed six to eight years. While in Ceuta learned that his mother had died. When he left he was thinking Punjab will soon get a job to help all his relatives, among them that gave him life. Farming was not for long and although Bhupinder learned his father's trade, economic hardship drove him to leave his home in 2005. His family had to sell the land, had to finance the departure of the eldest son. It was like an investment, but it went wrong. Bhupinder has blocked more than six years, including four trapped in a limbo of papers, laws, contradictions and unfulfilled promises. Not know what Agriculture is written on their land even work as a taxi driver. If Bhupinder get a job, it could help your family, give them a future. While waiting, parking exercises in port. And doing it well. Behind is its history, its clandestine journey marked by two deportations to the border with Algeria, Oujda feared. Survived the continued abuse of some gangs that do not understand more than money.

Sunny Singh: The specialist: a bricklayer until

low agricultural expert masonry, is what is known as the pavement because that's what was on their land. Sunny is strong and that has helped him move forward, not to collapse when, in Ceuta, we reported that his father had died. It was like the 'cure' of the people, the spiritual guide. When Sunny went to Punjab in 2006 left him at home with his mother, a brother and sister. Are going to find a job, a way out, a way to earn money. And so began a difficult journey. We played pass two deportations. That's not forget: you stop, you're expelled from the Algerian border, you encounter hundreds of stranded migrants and lack of scruples of the mafia ... Sunny knows what it is like to difficulties. He has been nearly four years in Ceuta, awaiting the same fate as his other colleagues have had the mount, which are already on the peninsula. They promised to leave gradually and believed that promise.
now patiently waiting in the CETI, trying to stay well physically and mentally. It is the only way to keep hope alive. It has a specialty to their backs, you might serve to help in the workplace integration that can wait.

Raj Kumar, an electrician in India, here is a parking

Raj is 28 years and now serves as parking. Surely someday will have served as effective contributor to more than one driver in leaving the vehicle correctly positioned. That's their job, at least in Ceuta. He left behind the other, the electrician. It's what he could do in India their country. A land that has not seen that in 2006 he quit his job and his relatives. He did it because there was no money, because the famine pressed too much and because someone in your family had to leave Punjab and try. That is the goal of Raj, try, get a job, earn some money, at least to let their mother, father or brother do not pass it so bad. They have left all helped to make Raj arrived in Europe. But he stayed in Ceuta, trapped in a limbo impossible, in a vicious circle that can not get out: you can not hire, no registration is allowed, does not have a solution ... you just need endure, to spend this time and hope that finally, after nearly Ceuta four years, his life turns around and becomes light.

See also:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Yellowbird Showreel Concert


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Monday, January 24, 2011

Difference B/w Menstrual Pain &pregnancy Pain

NO! Welfare

Members of the embassy of India visit the CETI of Ceuta and Melilla to identify immigrants in this country and deport them.

The visit comes five years too late!

Melilla Melilla

I Solidarity Platform to your house to mine Your

A group of 40 Indian children have Hours before his impending deportation. On Wednesday 19 January, members of the Embassy of India, visited the CETI Ceuta and Melilla to investigate their cases and determine whether or not processing their deportation. If so, within a short period of time, these guys have been in Spain for over 4 years, would cut short his dream of reaching Europe and However, their rights would be trampled roots. According to the Aliens Act, an immigrant residing in Spain for at least three years and have a job offer, request documentation to live and work in Spain.
members of various associations, platforms and NGO's, express strong opposition to such actions by the English authorities and organized impending mobilizations of support and solidarity with this group.

immigrants detained in Ceuta and Melilla are among the most vulnerable groups of immigrants. Most of them left their countries over 4 years ago by the mafia deceived and seduced by the dream to find in Europe a better life for themselves and their families. During the years of travel in Africa, have been abused and locked up by the mafia, repeatedly forwarded to the desert without food or water, stripped of their belongings and documents have been several unsuccessful attempts to enter Ceuta and at serious risk your life ... are currently more than 4 years in Ceuta, suffering a situation of absolute desperation, insecurity and fear of possible deportation at any time. They feel they have lost everything, they have ruined their families who are losing their youth.
also live unable to leave Ceuta and genuine legal limbo to which the authorities have not responded for years. He has spent years in the CETI, surpassing shockingly reasonable time of stay in a temporary nature center whose fundamental objective is to provide a "first reception and basic social services and benefits" for immigrants crossing the border. This is due mainly to the State is unable to execute the orders of deportation for lack of documentation, no repatriation agreements or lack of money. On the other hand, there is no
legal or administrative rule that establishes the maximum limits stay in these centers opened in the autonomous cities. Moreover, the fact of not allowing the registration of illegal immigrants in Ceuta and Melilla is a cut of their rights as immigrants, unlike any other immigrant who is in the rest of the English territory. Registration is the key to access to basic rights such as health care, the
immigrants who do enjoy living on the peninsula. Finally, given the small size of this autonomous city, can not move and have a hard time living. This has led many to refer to Ceuta as "sweet prison."
However, these immigrants have proved a huge human quality and appreciate how little and how much they receive from the population of Ceuta and all people who have come to know their reality. This has led them to win the affection of all. The story of a group of them (the 54 Indians who barely survive for more than two years on the Mount of Ceuta and left the CETI for fear of being caught and expelled unexpectedly) has been repeatedly reported in recent months by many
newspapers and television stations (including TVE, El Mundo, El Pais and ABC). In this link you can see the article by TVE: # 506889

INDIAN GROUP This group consists of young men between 20 and 40, from rural India. They have a kind nature, generous and a touch of elegance, generosity and respect in his manner that baffled everyone who knows them. Throughout these four years in Ceuta and Melilla have put all of you for trying to integrate into English culture and routine of their citizens. They have learned the language, customs, have earned the affection of not only Ceuta and Melilla, but many have been learning English history and have come to know them: journalists, photographers, members of NGO's, business owners, workers CETI, members of political parties, Indian, European, ... and ordinary people who have been lucky enough to encounter them.

In the case of Ceuta, the situation escalated when one of the dreaded visits of the Embassy, \u200b\u200ba group of more than 50 people was released to live in the bush in protest of protest to the ways of our politicians act . The support of the people and the media favored among other things, that after about 2 years of peaceful resistance in the mountains, 30 of them were moved to the mainland and taken in by different government organizations in 2010. However, 20 of them were abandoned in the bush waiting for their turn.


Currently, 20 children left in Ceuta are tired, desperate and physically exhausted after nearly 3 years of life to the weather decided to consider a change of strategy. The new director of CETI assured them that if they returned to the center, he could help them move to the mainland, as the lodge, every so often, immigrants moved to the more vulnerable (pregnant women, families and immigrants carrying more 3 years in the city district) the peninsula to relieve their facilities. They are as follows. The boys agreed and 1 month ago moved to the center. However, four weeks after his admission, on Wednesday 19 January, showed the Embassy of your country with two people from the Ministry of Interior for recognition, and after this visit, the director of CETI speech became "no Nothing to do so you can move to the peninsula. " Embassy wherever it appears, is deportation.

The Embassy visited Ceuta and Melilla on 19 and 20 January respectively, and took all the necessary information of the 20 children in Ceuta and Melilla 15, to prepare a report for the Ministry of Interior with the results of their research. If they are identified as Indian citizens (which has not happened in recent years) will be transferred to a CIE of the peninsula pending charter a plane to New Delhi. Obviously the guys are really shocked and worried to see that after 4 years waiting to go to the mainland without the government give them no solution now, with all the conditions necessary to rectify the situation on the peninsula, can be effective deportation.

that there is no decision to deport the inhuman after 4 years of waiting but it respects the rights set out in the Aliens Act of our country, moving to the mainland to treating the root to this group of people who meet all the requirements for settlement, they carry more 3 years in Spain and have real job offers.

View: # 506889

How Long Does It Take To Charge A 12v Battery

in Melilla.

Welfare in Melilla
Uploaded by fronterasurmelilla . - news videos from around the world.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Software Ip Changer For Ubuntu

We invite you to read the article by Miguel Cisterna

Click Aqui

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cycling And Thigh Pain

The trichologist Miguel Cisterna with YAHOO WOMEN give you tips to have healthy hair

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sore Throat Next Day Hiv

03081: The Israeli-Palestinian hell European limbo.

asylum applicants possessed a yellow card
that allowed them to move around Spain.
Since the government recently handed a red card
prevents them out of Melilla. Interestingly
the government has chosen a color card with
that its members have publicly against abuse
Khalil A. Palestinian, number 03081, is just another of the 600 immigrants who occupy the Temporary Centre for Immigrants in Melilla "CETI. His story and his family is no less tragic than most of his fellow travelers in the center residents what point it out then why so special? There are several reasons, all weight. The first is to put a face, name the number 03081 resident and representing 600 more expensive. The second because it has requested, and for that we are. The third to publicize the inhumane treatment in certain parts of the EU people have no choice but to flee their land for reasons that are often trivialized in our borders, but they often risk their own physical survival . 03081

Khalil is a Palestinian and Israeli women. They have four children but the latter has not known anything but Skype. He lived 17 years in Israel with his wife and had a thriving business until the government asked Israel to exercise a confidant, to which he refused because he wanted to lead a quiet life together his family. Shortly after he was deported to Gaza where Hamas was not tolerated, always under suspicion of being an infiltrator of Israel was arrested by the militia a few times a month, interrogated, imprisoned for 7 to 10 days and tortured regularly.

Four years in hell during which he saw his wife H. more than once.

H. belongs to a tribe that had settled in Israel with pre-Islamic customs. The code of honor of the tribe has made them infamous throughout the Arab world. About this group fall dozens of killings of women suspected of "family" for refusing to marry men they did not know, to dress provocatively, because women are considered shame on the bus .... The pressures suffered H. To find a new husband after four years of absence from Khalil 03081 were transformed into threats that had to be taken seriously.

was when they decided to escape, he crossed to Spain across northern Africa and Denmark with her children on a regular flight of the Israeli lines.

thought that in the Europe of Rights and Freedoms could easily resume their family life in Europe obligations could contribute their work to maintain it.

Both have applied for asylum in Spain and Denmark, respectively. 03081 Khalil has lasted more than a year Melilla, has requested to meet with his wife and children somewhere in Europe while their applications are resolved and H as well, but have had no response.

The family has found in the virtual world what the real world are denied. Through internet and Skype have your time everyday family life, family life that so manifestly hypocritical defend European laws.



From Hell Palestinian-Israeli in Europe limbo
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"Boat people crisis?


Little Happiness would not wait to get ashore. On December 13, Judith, a 28 year old Nigerian woman, was brought to the world during the journey by boat, which was traveling with 37 other occupants in the vicinity of the Island of Alborán. When the boat was intercepted by members of the Maritime Service of the Guardia Civil and Salvage, the baby was held by his father with the umbilical cord hanging. The woman, first pregnancy, she went into labor in the small boat, and two of her classmates brought to makeshift midwives.
The most significant of this issue, is that along with Judith, traveled seven other pregnant immigrants.
When the crisis and we had almost forgotten the images of boats playing various ports at the same time, the story of Happiness reminds us again that Africa always exists and there is no crisis.
However, while the canoes arrived from the English coast have declined considerably this past year, many immigrants continue to risk their lives embarking on boats, leaving everything they knew, looking for something better for themselves and for those left behind.
In a small boat and a flat bottom as is a boat, each "passenger" has a great story to tell. Some of them have a happy ending, many others are repatriated with their characters or simply disappear before reaching land.

The entry of immigrants to Spain and joining the labor market fell sharply in 2009 because, officially, to the crisis and has continued to decline during this 2010. Immigrants who have arrived by boat to the English coast have been reduced by 9.11% so far this year, as reported by the Ministry of Interior. From January to July, 7165 people came to our shores, 718 less than the same period last year.
The decline has been most notable among sub-Saharan Africans who arrived in the Canary Islands aboard boats. Of the 5,680 that were counted in 2007 has passed 4,393 this year, according to the Government Commission on the islands.
In the case of Ceuta and Melilla, the reduction is even greater and reaches 25%. The reason is highlighted by the Ministry of Interior is that the policing of the Straits has become more effective.

The Government considers that it has completed the "cycle" of the "prodigious decade" for foreigners and start over with fewer arrivals. Our country has a population of 46 million (up from 40 million at the beginning of the century), 12% of them foreigners, who have come mostly in the last 15 years.
Spain is the state of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has suffered the biggest drop in the influx of immigrants following the economic crisis, reports the organization in its annual report "Immigration 2010." In the same ensures that "the conditions of immigrants have deteriorated significantly, while the recession deepened." Angel Gurria, secretary general of the OECD, said the reduction in the number of foreign workers will continue in 2011. "Immigrants are part of the solution not the problem. Beyond the effects of the crisis, immigration will continue to play a vital role in OECD economies, due to the need for more workers to maintain growth and prosperity "


The Southern Border (Ceuta and Melilla), the perception is different however. In recent years, thanks to the tightening of border control by the Moroccan authorities and, above all, to shield the border from the English side, the flow of immigrants had been reduced to a minimum, that is, two or three posts daily. Most of them occurred in internal vehicles or through bribery. However, since the month of July onwards the increase in sub-Saharan arrived in Melilla, for example, has increased tenfold. In fact, the Immigration Detention Centre (CETI) of the Autonomous City, is once again full, having been deprived of Asian immigrants who have settled in recent years. "Have you noticed a lot of poor current relationship Morocco Spain. The neighboring country is using immigration as a weapon to assert its territorial claims on the Sahara, Ceuta and Melilla. Is always the same: Once the diplomatic conflict, re-open the gateway to Europe through its share of the fence or promoting the boats, "said John Palazón, Prodein president, organization on behalf of immigrants. According Palazón, the crisis has not affected much as they say the flow of immigrants to Europe "Because Africa is always in crisis, and they will always be rich. What are the routes are changing. Are moving to eastern Europe (Greece, Turkey and Italy), where there has been no such decline. It is a matter of doors and keys, not just economically. "


Lucas Martín Cal journalism student internship at GEA PHOTOWORDS
Patxi Uriz
Domezain, as a photographer began after the war in the Balkans in 1996. His work is published in national and international press. He is the author of several books and exhibitions of various themes and has worked with GEA PHOTOWORDS on other occasions.