Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sore Throat Next Day Hiv

03081: The Israeli-Palestinian hell European limbo.

asylum applicants possessed a yellow card
that allowed them to move around Spain.
Since the government recently handed a red card
prevents them out of Melilla. Interestingly
the government has chosen a color card with
that its members have publicly against abuse
Khalil A. Palestinian, number 03081, is just another of the 600 immigrants who occupy the Temporary Centre for Immigrants in Melilla "CETI. His story and his family is no less tragic than most of his fellow travelers in the center residents what point it out then why so special? There are several reasons, all weight. The first is to put a face, name the number 03081 resident and representing 600 more expensive. The second because it has requested, and for that we are. The third to publicize the inhumane treatment in certain parts of the EU people have no choice but to flee their land for reasons that are often trivialized in our borders, but they often risk their own physical survival . 03081

Khalil is a Palestinian and Israeli women. They have four children but the latter has not known anything but Skype. He lived 17 years in Israel with his wife and had a thriving business until the government asked Israel to exercise a confidant, to which he refused because he wanted to lead a quiet life together his family. Shortly after he was deported to Gaza where Hamas was not tolerated, always under suspicion of being an infiltrator of Israel was arrested by the militia a few times a month, interrogated, imprisoned for 7 to 10 days and tortured regularly.

Four years in hell during which he saw his wife H. more than once.

H. belongs to a tribe that had settled in Israel with pre-Islamic customs. The code of honor of the tribe has made them infamous throughout the Arab world. About this group fall dozens of killings of women suspected of "family" for refusing to marry men they did not know, to dress provocatively, because women are considered shame on the bus .... The pressures suffered H. To find a new husband after four years of absence from Khalil 03081 were transformed into threats that had to be taken seriously.

was when they decided to escape, he crossed to Spain across northern Africa and Denmark with her children on a regular flight of the Israeli lines.

thought that in the Europe of Rights and Freedoms could easily resume their family life in Europe obligations could contribute their work to maintain it.

Both have applied for asylum in Spain and Denmark, respectively. 03081 Khalil has lasted more than a year Melilla, has requested to meet with his wife and children somewhere in Europe while their applications are resolved and H as well, but have had no response.

The family has found in the virtual world what the real world are denied. Through internet and Skype have your time everyday family life, family life that so manifestly hypocritical defend European laws.



From Hell Palestinian-Israeli in Europe limbo
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