Monday, January 24, 2011

Difference B/w Menstrual Pain &pregnancy Pain

NO! Welfare

Members of the embassy of India visit the CETI of Ceuta and Melilla to identify immigrants in this country and deport them.

The visit comes five years too late!

Melilla Melilla

I Solidarity Platform to your house to mine Your

A group of 40 Indian children have Hours before his impending deportation. On Wednesday 19 January, members of the Embassy of India, visited the CETI Ceuta and Melilla to investigate their cases and determine whether or not processing their deportation. If so, within a short period of time, these guys have been in Spain for over 4 years, would cut short his dream of reaching Europe and However, their rights would be trampled roots. According to the Aliens Act, an immigrant residing in Spain for at least three years and have a job offer, request documentation to live and work in Spain.
members of various associations, platforms and NGO's, express strong opposition to such actions by the English authorities and organized impending mobilizations of support and solidarity with this group.

immigrants detained in Ceuta and Melilla are among the most vulnerable groups of immigrants. Most of them left their countries over 4 years ago by the mafia deceived and seduced by the dream to find in Europe a better life for themselves and their families. During the years of travel in Africa, have been abused and locked up by the mafia, repeatedly forwarded to the desert without food or water, stripped of their belongings and documents have been several unsuccessful attempts to enter Ceuta and at serious risk your life ... are currently more than 4 years in Ceuta, suffering a situation of absolute desperation, insecurity and fear of possible deportation at any time. They feel they have lost everything, they have ruined their families who are losing their youth.
also live unable to leave Ceuta and genuine legal limbo to which the authorities have not responded for years. He has spent years in the CETI, surpassing shockingly reasonable time of stay in a temporary nature center whose fundamental objective is to provide a "first reception and basic social services and benefits" for immigrants crossing the border. This is due mainly to the State is unable to execute the orders of deportation for lack of documentation, no repatriation agreements or lack of money. On the other hand, there is no
legal or administrative rule that establishes the maximum limits stay in these centers opened in the autonomous cities. Moreover, the fact of not allowing the registration of illegal immigrants in Ceuta and Melilla is a cut of their rights as immigrants, unlike any other immigrant who is in the rest of the English territory. Registration is the key to access to basic rights such as health care, the
immigrants who do enjoy living on the peninsula. Finally, given the small size of this autonomous city, can not move and have a hard time living. This has led many to refer to Ceuta as "sweet prison."
However, these immigrants have proved a huge human quality and appreciate how little and how much they receive from the population of Ceuta and all people who have come to know their reality. This has led them to win the affection of all. The story of a group of them (the 54 Indians who barely survive for more than two years on the Mount of Ceuta and left the CETI for fear of being caught and expelled unexpectedly) has been repeatedly reported in recent months by many
newspapers and television stations (including TVE, El Mundo, El Pais and ABC). In this link you can see the article by TVE: # 506889

INDIAN GROUP This group consists of young men between 20 and 40, from rural India. They have a kind nature, generous and a touch of elegance, generosity and respect in his manner that baffled everyone who knows them. Throughout these four years in Ceuta and Melilla have put all of you for trying to integrate into English culture and routine of their citizens. They have learned the language, customs, have earned the affection of not only Ceuta and Melilla, but many have been learning English history and have come to know them: journalists, photographers, members of NGO's, business owners, workers CETI, members of political parties, Indian, European, ... and ordinary people who have been lucky enough to encounter them.

In the case of Ceuta, the situation escalated when one of the dreaded visits of the Embassy, \u200b\u200ba group of more than 50 people was released to live in the bush in protest of protest to the ways of our politicians act . The support of the people and the media favored among other things, that after about 2 years of peaceful resistance in the mountains, 30 of them were moved to the mainland and taken in by different government organizations in 2010. However, 20 of them were abandoned in the bush waiting for their turn.


Currently, 20 children left in Ceuta are tired, desperate and physically exhausted after nearly 3 years of life to the weather decided to consider a change of strategy. The new director of CETI assured them that if they returned to the center, he could help them move to the mainland, as the lodge, every so often, immigrants moved to the more vulnerable (pregnant women, families and immigrants carrying more 3 years in the city district) the peninsula to relieve their facilities. They are as follows. The boys agreed and 1 month ago moved to the center. However, four weeks after his admission, on Wednesday 19 January, showed the Embassy of your country with two people from the Ministry of Interior for recognition, and after this visit, the director of CETI speech became "no Nothing to do so you can move to the peninsula. " Embassy wherever it appears, is deportation.

The Embassy visited Ceuta and Melilla on 19 and 20 January respectively, and took all the necessary information of the 20 children in Ceuta and Melilla 15, to prepare a report for the Ministry of Interior with the results of their research. If they are identified as Indian citizens (which has not happened in recent years) will be transferred to a CIE of the peninsula pending charter a plane to New Delhi. Obviously the guys are really shocked and worried to see that after 4 years waiting to go to the mainland without the government give them no solution now, with all the conditions necessary to rectify the situation on the peninsula, can be effective deportation.

that there is no decision to deport the inhuman after 4 years of waiting but it respects the rights set out in the Aliens Act of our country, moving to the mainland to treating the root to this group of people who meet all the requirements for settlement, they carry more 3 years in Spain and have real job offers.

View: # 506889


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