Tuesday, March 29, 2011

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The final evaluation of graduate is an individual work that each student must be presented prior May 31, in PDF format, which will represent 60% of the final grade.
The work, which should not exceed 15 pages, contain the design of a fictional event in which the student reflected all aspects developed during the course a concise but reasoned.

key points should include:

1 - Brief description of the act and the reasons for its conclusion. What is the message?
2 - Anfirión
3 - Guests
4 - Chair: Who or whom it up and why?
5 - Programme of the act
6 - Sequence of the act
7 - Written communication: invitations, letters, etc.
8 - Relations with the media: call, press releases, media placement, technical, etc. Include a written press release.
9 - Logistics: venues, transportation, catering, etc.
10 - Resources human (staff) and materials (production, tooling, decorating, etc..)
11 - Reference to the use of symbols
12 -

Staging is not necessary to mention the budget.

Monday, March 28, 2011

What Does Swallon Ankles Mean?

After the death of three immigrants: Gathering in front of the Government Delegation in Melilla. CETI

After the death of three immigrants on Saturday has taken place today another rally at the Government Delegation in Melilla, the it have come several hundred residents in the CETI demanding a change in treatment in the same order of punishment, and not stay for years without the possibility of leaving the city.

Three representatives have met with the Government Office and in so doing showed euphoric, claimed to have obtained a travel permit for all ....

This option is strange and very unlikely from our point of view. The next days or weeks will be decisive for the resolution of a conflict that may become entrenched.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sm Bus Conttroller Bridge

Three residents died in a shack fire.

Chabola burned

against the Government Delegation

His wife and all credible sources consulted one was punished for the center to sleep outside and the other two slept in the shanty to accompany it.

The internal school system forbids marriage and family life, make your own food ... Residents have suspended all social, economic or political. The internal rules and disciplinary center is worse than prisons and inmates also are continuously monitored by officers, security services .... Crammed into small rooms, no entertainment.

The slums have been its only outlet to try to maintain their dignity as people.

The internal rules and disciplinary CETI must change immediately.

the deceased's colleagues called on Saturday for a rally in front of the Delegation of the Government plan to maintain concentration change daily until the situation faced in the CETI.

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As final completion of the module dedicated to organizing events, José Maria Paz Gago spoke on Saturday morning to expose, in an informal chat with students, all his experience as an organizer of major national conferences and international. Among anecdotes was shelling some clues of his career as a cultural manager of projects that have had a great social and media.

Does Sleepytime Tea Work??

Conference Organization Set, banquets and tables

Continuing the theme of the organization of events, Olga Casal spoke Friday about the most common type the same and the need to implement a staged communication consistent with the objectives set. The picture, set design and decoration were among the points discussed.
The Saturday spoke of organizing banquets and tables: design and types of chairs, dining rooms, workshops, focusing on the aesthetic aspects of all of them.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

2004 Roadrunner Trailer

In the past month I have to thank everyone for visiting my site, which has always sought from the beginning spread my passion and love for art and culture thank you very much all I look forward to enjoying with you.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Wooden Floor Forsevylor

techniques of organizing events

begins the second module: Organization of events. Olga Casal this thematic starts talking about the technical implementation in the organization of an act, classifying phases and expands on the steps that must be addressed in each of them. The exhibition was supported by images and presentations that illustrate real-world scenarios.

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The Precedence: RD 2099/1983

As a climax to the first module on the Official Protocol, Rafael Vidal explained the details of the RD 2099 / 1983 that regulates the precedence of the authorities at official events in Spain. He stressed the classification of acts and the thorny issue of representation, discussing real cases and its reflection in the media.

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Historic step forward in the last step down at the cruise in Leon. JESUS \u200b\u200b

After 145 years of history of a train adventure began carrying coal from the mines Leon to blast furnaces Vizcaya, cruise level crossing dividing León, today ended the output of the steam locomotive Mikado. As a picture of an old movie depicted the Mikado from thousands of Leon excited by the act, in the presence of authorities, including Jose Blanco.

It was 13:40 pm when the beep of the lowering of the barrier was announced last, and the signs announcing the passing train. Then the fabled Mikado Leon left the station warning of their arrival from the excitement of those present crowded nearby and peering through the windows of the houses bordering the tracks. And so there is no doubt that the removal was ultimately ADIF operators have proceeded to dismantle the barriers to be removed.

After many years of a Lion separate today has led to the removal of a barrier in which all Leon once we got stuck with it makes its way to the burial of the road and the widening of road Ordon, more joining the cruise.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

How To Unjam A Swollen Middle Finger

Official Protocol. Institutional Relations. Opening

Postgrado Protocolo, comunicación e Imagen Corporativa. Universidade a Coruña
The course shall be opened on Friday 11 with the magisterial teaching of Jose Luis Delgado, who spoke about the genesis of protoocolo English and the basic principles that govern it, laying the groundwork module dedicated to official and institutional protocol. Then Rafael Vidal took over stating the importance of protocol in the institutional and management approaches need to be applied in all cases. The evening culminated with a panel discussion between the two speakers who answered questions from students who wanted to intervene raising concerns and causes.

On Saturday 12, Jose Luis Delgado, and in the classrooms of CUR, spoke about the symbols (flags, anthems and coats), the treatments of courtesy and protocol of the State, all illustrated with video, audio and photographs of actual cases was commenting.

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the Universidade da Coruña

On Friday March 11 celebrated the opening of the first edition of the postgraduate in Protocol, Communication and Corporate Image of the Universidade da Coruña.
The event took place in the university auditorium under the chairmanship of the rector, José María Barja, accompanied by the course co-directors, José Juan Videla and Olga Casal. Also attended many of the teachers who will give their lectures during term time and all students enrolled.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Swot Analysis Sample Of Hair Salon

Because many People have been interested in the contest this year here I leave the bases and the web.
Thank you all for your interest.
Poster promocional del Concurso Miteintes Rembrandt

II Mi-Teintes Rembrandt Contest 2011

Guarro Companies Canson Talens Spain SL and summon the II SAU Cake Mi-Teintes

Rembrandt national and according to the following bases:

Participation is open to professional artists or amateurs, students or general public
residence in Spain.

Awards: First Prize
€ 1,500. + Luxury Wooden Box Pastel Assortment Rembrandt 225 units + pads Mi-Teintes
Second Prize € 1,000 + Luxury Wooden Box Pastel Assortment Rembrandt 150 units + pads Mi-Teintes
Prize € 500 + Luxury Wooden Box Rembrandt Pastel Assortment 90 units + pads Mi-Teintes
are 3 additional entries will be rewarded with a batch of products.
The first three awards will part of business assets and Guarro & Canson Talens Spain
No prize may be forfeited. Prizes are subject to withholding income tax for
, under current legislation.

Theme The theme is free.
Presentation of works: ;
a single work may be submitted per participant made Mi-Teintes paper and pastel
Rembrandt. The Mi-Teintes role in any of the 40 colors available in the market in a unique format
of 50x65 cm. Entries must be original, unpublished, have not been awarded any other


a) Preliminary phase
To enter you must access www.concursomiteintesrembrandt.es, fill in the form of participation
, the title of the work and upload image ; digitized with the desired contest. In the
period 1 February to 15 April 2011 inclusive.
File Digital Web should be: JPG format.
With a maximum height of 600 pixels (72 dpi)
maximum weight of 400 Kb file
Once registered, the participant will receive an email that will certify that the record has been
carried out correctly.
b) Final phase
Before April 30 the jury selected the 100 best works submitted for the contest via
web. The contestants will be notified via e-mail as your work has been
selected for the finals.
the final participant must deposit the physical work properly packaged and protected, (not framed or mounted
) and enclosing a copy of the email that he certifies as a finalist in any
of establishments involved in the competition.

admission 1Fecha
The deadline to deposit the work in establishing partner will be the May 15, 2011.
removal and return of works .
The works will be removed from stores from May 15, 2011 by

The non-winning finalists will be returned to senders from partner establishments
of June 30, 2011. ;
a) The jury shall consist of three experts from the world of fine arts and a representative of the company
Guarro & Canson and a company representative Talens Spain
b) The jury awarded the winners before June 30, 2011
c) The jury's decision is final.
d) The technical aspects were not considered in these rules shall be decided freely by the organization

Winners will be contacted to arrange delivery of prizes, which will be made directly
each of the establishments where the winning entries have been deposited .

General Provisions:
a) The organizers reserve the right reproduce, print or publish any or all of the works
received for dissemination, it does not entail payment of honoraria to the authors.
b) The organizers shall not be liable for damage caused by inadequate packaging or transport
inappropriate in the works, or for damage suffered to the work accident
force majeure.
Data provided by entrants will be treated confidentially and will be used
promotional purposes (sending information about advertising, events and product offerings.) Your data will be
integrated into an automated file whose ownership belongs to SAU and as TALENS SPAIN
GARRO & CANSON, SL and will be assigned the same purposes to companies in the group and its Collaborating Centre
. You have the right at all times accessible, and where appropriate, correct and / or
cancellation and revocation of consent to the transfer of data through application
which may lead TALENS SPAIN SAU, Legal Department, Botany Street, 131, Polígono Industrial Sur
08908 Gran Via, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona.

All works submitted to the contest will be available on the web


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bourne Ultimatum Monocolar

XI National Painting Prize

Vladimir Holan, the Grotto of the words


'Heroines', the next of the Thyssen-Bornemisza

Catalogue Raisonné 'online' by Rafael Canogar

and more in our newsletter.