Sunday, March 13, 2011

How To Unjam A Swollen Middle Finger

Official Protocol. Institutional Relations. Opening

Postgrado Protocolo, comunicación e Imagen Corporativa. Universidade a Coruña
The course shall be opened on Friday 11 with the magisterial teaching of Jose Luis Delgado, who spoke about the genesis of protoocolo English and the basic principles that govern it, laying the groundwork module dedicated to official and institutional protocol. Then Rafael Vidal took over stating the importance of protocol in the institutional and management approaches need to be applied in all cases. The evening culminated with a panel discussion between the two speakers who answered questions from students who wanted to intervene raising concerns and causes.

On Saturday 12, Jose Luis Delgado, and in the classrooms of CUR, spoke about the symbols (flags, anthems and coats), the treatments of courtesy and protocol of the State, all illustrated with video, audio and photographs of actual cases was commenting.


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