Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Where Find Lenovo Battery Part Number


The final evaluation of graduate is an individual work that each student must be presented prior May 31, in PDF format, which will represent 60% of the final grade.
The work, which should not exceed 15 pages, contain the design of a fictional event in which the student reflected all aspects developed during the course a concise but reasoned.

key points should include:

1 - Brief description of the act and the reasons for its conclusion. What is the message?
2 - AnfiriĆ³n
3 - Guests
4 - Chair: Who or whom it up and why?
5 - Programme of the act
6 - Sequence of the act
7 - Written communication: invitations, letters, etc.
8 - Relations with the media: call, press releases, media placement, technical, etc. Include a written press release.
9 - Logistics: venues, transportation, catering, etc.
10 - Resources human (staff) and materials (production, tooling, decorating, etc..)
11 - Reference to the use of symbols
12 -

Staging is not necessary to mention the budget.


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