Friday, March 18, 2011

Cost Of Wedding Seating Charts?

Historic step forward in the last step down at the cruise in Leon. JESUS \u200b\u200b

After 145 years of history of a train adventure began carrying coal from the mines Leon to blast furnaces Vizcaya, cruise level crossing dividing León, today ended the output of the steam locomotive Mikado. As a picture of an old movie depicted the Mikado from thousands of Leon excited by the act, in the presence of authorities, including Jose Blanco.

It was 13:40 pm when the beep of the lowering of the barrier was announced last, and the signs announcing the passing train. Then the fabled Mikado Leon left the station warning of their arrival from the excitement of those present crowded nearby and peering through the windows of the houses bordering the tracks. And so there is no doubt that the removal was ultimately ADIF operators have proceeded to dismantle the barriers to be removed.

After many years of a Lion separate today has led to the removal of a barrier in which all Leon once we got stuck with it makes its way to the burial of the road and the widening of road Ordon, more joining the cruise.


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