Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sm Bus Conttroller Bridge

Three residents died in a shack fire.

Chabola burned

against the Government Delegation

His wife and all credible sources consulted one was punished for the center to sleep outside and the other two slept in the shanty to accompany it.

The internal school system forbids marriage and family life, make your own food ... Residents have suspended all social, economic or political. The internal rules and disciplinary center is worse than prisons and inmates also are continuously monitored by officers, security services .... Crammed into small rooms, no entertainment.

The slums have been its only outlet to try to maintain their dignity as people.

The internal rules and disciplinary CETI must change immediately.

the deceased's colleagues called on Saturday for a rally in front of the Delegation of the Government plan to maintain concentration change daily until the situation faced in the CETI.


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