Sunday, November 28, 2010

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in November other day said: The Day of the Homeless. Jordi Camí

live in the month of November many important dates whose purpose is to fight for the rights of the disadvantaged, the weak, the violence, the powerless .... These special days we have seen politicians Melilla and some institutions make solemn speeches, rallies with colored ribbons ... Basically all come out in the photo and announced his adamant commitment to defend the interests of all victims.

We also live in November, four situations of families and individuals who for various reasons have spent months living on the street or suffer blatant discrimination by national origin.

The first family led from the month of April living in a car with two very young age. The mother is living in Melilla, the other members are English.

This family proved that he had asked Social Welfare help on many occasions and received only alternative was to give children to social services

The second family is composed of a Moroccan mother to your child English . Takes a year and a half living in the house of the host known on the street day for the hosts one, one day the police have allowed to sleep at the station. Your child is two years and spends many days hitched to the mother's breast because there is nothing to eat.

takes months for help Social Welfare, the only alternative offered is to give your child to social services and she would go to Morocco

The third person is Mohamed (José Sáez) son of a Moroccan military who fought in the war against Franco. With 65 years of age claims to have not been to Spain by boat, his father took him very small, has been in Spain 50 years. In one of the infamous raids are made in Spain by order of the Interior Ministry arrested him and took him to the border. The Moroccan police did not admit it as a subject of Morocco rejected it. Mohamed (José Sáez) takes about three months in the streets of Melilla.

have asked social services and Government Delegation to supply shelter and food or return it Madrid but I say it is illegal and not for anything, tell him to go to Morocco.

The fourth case involved a girl of six years born Melilla. She and her mother are the only all family have no documentation, not living on the streets because his family will welcome English.

schooling We asked repeatedly without success.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

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. Exposició:

Inauguration : dimecres 24 novembre a les 18'30h.

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The pedestrian border of Barrio Chino between Melilla and Morocco.Every day hundreds of people are involved in transporting goods from Spain back to Morocco for third persons. For each package introduced in Morocco receive between 3 and 5 euros depending on size. It is estimated that from Monday to Thursday on foot enter Melilla 8,000 porters, mostly women, and then return to Morocco with huge sacks of smuggled goods from the warehouses of the industrial area of Beni Enzar, with a little luck achieved make three trips a day, El Barrio Chino border was opened in June 2008 to improve the image of the traditional border off Beni Enzar.

These irregular exports reproduce the same in the other English city located in Moroccan territory, Ceuta. Estimates made in 2005 estimated that such trade "atypical" generated 500 million euros. And here too, every day from Monday to Thursday, the same scene is repeated: the women waiting at dawn, this time at the border Tarajal call, they rush Those huge packages to load, These tips for working ...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

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Monday, November 15, 2010

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Monday, November 8, 2010

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moment of liberation in Barcelona of 40 bangles bangles Melilla

Sunday, November 7, 2010

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The 7 missing have been deported to Bangladesh.

According declare the deportees, before starting the trip in a military plane police moved them to the airport beat them and insulted them shouting: You are a fucking ... Bastards ... Motherfuckers ...

is not the first time that different groups of deportees complain about ill treatment by police in the moments before the transfer to the appropriate port or airport.

Press: Papers Associació per a Tothom i Drets

The English government is trying to deport Bengali 7 of 49 from Melilla and recently released after serving the legal limit of 60 days in the CIE Barcelona.
seems incredible but true and certainly inhumane. Two hours before the end of retention within the CIE Barcelona, \u200b\u200b7 people in the group were taken from ICN Melilla and transferred to El Prat airport, where military aircraft were transported to Dakka, the capital of Bangladesh.
Once there and before the Bangladeshi government's refusal to accept people who are undocumented and are not recognized as his subjects, the English police are making arrangements between the families of these people supposed to recognize them and to consummate and deportation of them under recently signed repayment agreements.
The fact is tragic and illustrates how to behave in this administration cares nothing the 5-year tenure of these people in Spain, no ties of attachment and the support obtained. Law does not care who is in violation because these people served their period of 60 days have to be in freedom and detention in a English aircraft is illegal. Frustrated by not having accomplished the expulsion of the rest, wants to assert its authority by expelling these seven people.
From here we appeal to all media, all the associations for the protection of human rights at all to oppose this truly awful and prevent the expulsion of these people. Barcelona 6/11/2010

Association Papers Drets i per a Tothom

Friday, November 5, 2010

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11/05/2010: Melilla bangles released this afternoon. Seven of them missing.

this afternoon have been released from Melilla bangles were interned in prison, Cie de Barcelona. Upon his release have been installed on buses and dispersed to different cities in Spain where they will be received by NGOs funded by the government that will welcome you for 15 days and then stay on the street and homeless undocumented.

bangles Seven inmates at the jail, Cie de Barcelona have disappeared. According to eyewitnesses were chained and taken away in the first place. Some police said they would be returned to Melilla, other sources say they have been transported in a civil or military aircraft to Bangladesh.El fact is they have gone and no one has reported on their circumstances or situation to family, friends or associations that have interested them. Neither diplomatic representatives of Bangladesh in Spain ..... Kidnapping pure and simple!

several partners in Melilla Bangla (8) of the Ministry of Interior have denied permission to enter Spain without papers, and require a residence permit.

7 bangle which managed to avoid police custody for various reasons remain hidden and frightened in different parts of the city.


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11/04/2010: The Bangladeshi Melilla remain in prison. We are playing with their lives.

Bengalis Melilla remain in prison. We are playing with their lives. The 47 Bangladeshi
from Melilla and currently held in Barcelona ICE continue without parole at the time of writing this statement, midnight November 4. Are false statements the Government representative in Melilla said in the press that they would be released between the 3rd and 4th of November.
The government has sought to speed up the maximum 60-day statutory period of detention expires on Friday 5. And he's done playing inexcusable and unjustifiable way of life of people.
was announced to the inmates and the organizations that support them, the output of the ICD for 2 to 4 days pm. Was postponed on the grounds that the press knew the story and had to avoid the triumphant image of immigrants in freedom and without expulsion. Departure was announced on Wednesday once again delayed 4 and increasing frustration and fear of these 47 people. If both the press is afraid that something will have to hide behind bars ICN
With the release of these 47 people entered a new phase in their struggle for a dignified life. But the government has wanted to put new obstacles in it. The organizations that the government has commissioned the reception of persons have told us they are going to divide and disperse throughout the English territory. These people have been
always a compact group solidarity. Have helped each other, have fought together and survived together Melilla prison conditions ICN Zone. This unit and its internal organization have been instrumental to avoid deportation. The government now wants to end this unit and this organization for your example does not thrive and spread. He wants them invisible to them and their struggle.
It illustrates the true principles of the present immigration policy. Place the political and economic interests above the people. Border fences are built despite costing millions to increase the dead in the strait. Quite the opposite of humanity and justice of which boast.
The government has tried to show from the beginning strongly against immigrants and would not hesitate to circumvent its own law by denying the attachment to people who met all the requirements to achieve it. Now in times of crisis is felt that the weak repression of the votes given that he wanted the expulsion of these people. And above all there's no denying the evidence that the fight is worth it.
But reality is stubborn. Has been the unity and persistence of these 47 people and the support they have achieved, what has prevented his removal. Organizations that have accompanied them from the beginning we were an example to follow. Continue supporting and calling for everyone, immigrants and indigenous, to the struggle for rights, the only way to conquer them. Papers
Associació per a Tothom i Drets

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

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imminent release of the detainees Bangla Barcelona ICN Support the campaign

2009: Concentration
weekly in the Plaza of Spain Melilla

impending release of the 47 Bengalis from Melilla.

For 4 pm today, Nov. 2, says the release of the 47 Bangladeshis detained at the Centre for Foreigners in the Zona Franca de Barcelona. It is of the 47 people who remained about five years in the CETI and Melilla from 7 September in Barcelona were detained pending deportation.

The release comes after nearly fulfilled within 60 days of detention contained in the current Immigration Act.

This release is without doubt a triumph of the struggle. First the fight themselves, of these 47 people made during their years of forced stay in Melilla, weekly events, collected 15 thousand signatures, hunger strikes and mostly maintained the integrity and encouragement to continue fighting for a dignified life in Spain.

is also an achievement for us all. Bengali Community of Madrid and Barcelona will always claimed their liberty and transfer to the mainland. The Bengali people led by their relatives and friends in Bangladesh said deportation. Of associations as PRODEIN, Roles and Rights for All have supported his stay at Melilla, and Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwho have accompanied them in the CETI and then the ICE, they have offered legal advice ... also of lawyers and lawyers in Melilla who appealed his detention, faxes from unions, and social policies throughout the state were sent to the courts and ultimately to the thousands of people signed to support their cause.

This release occurs repeatedly despite the willingness expressed by the Delegation of the Government of Melilla to expel these people. It was this delegation who has repeatedly refused to accept the processing of their requests for residency despite fulfilling all legal requirements (more than 3 years of stay in order and criminal employment contract). It was this delegation who called his arrest and transfer to Barcelona for deportation and was she who until date remains unanswered requests for revocation of expulsion orders against these people.

The release is just one more step, very important indeed, the struggle of these people for their roles, essential condition to win a job and a decent life for themselves and their families. This is the task before us for the foreseeable future, the filing of applications for legal residency of these 47 people and its subsequent resolution favorable. Until this situation is reached we have to ensure the reception of persons and legal support necessary.

We finally turn publicly called for the release of such persons to receive them as they deserve to 4 pm on this day, at the gates of the detention center for foreigners in the Zona Franca de Barcelona.

Association Papers Drets i per a Tothom

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2007 and 2008:
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