Friday, November 5, 2010

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11/04/2010: The Bangladeshi Melilla remain in prison. We are playing with their lives.

Bengalis Melilla remain in prison. We are playing with their lives. The 47 Bangladeshi
from Melilla and currently held in Barcelona ICE continue without parole at the time of writing this statement, midnight November 4. Are false statements the Government representative in Melilla said in the press that they would be released between the 3rd and 4th of November.
The government has sought to speed up the maximum 60-day statutory period of detention expires on Friday 5. And he's done playing inexcusable and unjustifiable way of life of people.
was announced to the inmates and the organizations that support them, the output of the ICD for 2 to 4 days pm. Was postponed on the grounds that the press knew the story and had to avoid the triumphant image of immigrants in freedom and without expulsion. Departure was announced on Wednesday once again delayed 4 and increasing frustration and fear of these 47 people. If both the press is afraid that something will have to hide behind bars ICN
With the release of these 47 people entered a new phase in their struggle for a dignified life. But the government has wanted to put new obstacles in it. The organizations that the government has commissioned the reception of persons have told us they are going to divide and disperse throughout the English territory. These people have been
always a compact group solidarity. Have helped each other, have fought together and survived together Melilla prison conditions ICN Zone. This unit and its internal organization have been instrumental to avoid deportation. The government now wants to end this unit and this organization for your example does not thrive and spread. He wants them invisible to them and their struggle.
It illustrates the true principles of the present immigration policy. Place the political and economic interests above the people. Border fences are built despite costing millions to increase the dead in the strait. Quite the opposite of humanity and justice of which boast.
The government has tried to show from the beginning strongly against immigrants and would not hesitate to circumvent its own law by denying the attachment to people who met all the requirements to achieve it. Now in times of crisis is felt that the weak repression of the votes given that he wanted the expulsion of these people. And above all there's no denying the evidence that the fight is worth it.
But reality is stubborn. Has been the unity and persistence of these 47 people and the support they have achieved, what has prevented his removal. Organizations that have accompanied them from the beginning we were an example to follow. Continue supporting and calling for everyone, immigrants and indigenous, to the struggle for rights, the only way to conquer them. Papers
Associació per a Tothom i Drets


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