Saturday, November 20, 2010

How Much Cost Retaining Wall Per Square Foot

. Exposició:

Inauguration : dimecres 24 novembre a les 18'30h.

Col.legi de Periodistes de Catalunya

Rambla Catalunya 10, entresol

del 24 de novembre al 14 de gener del 2011

The pedestrian border of Barrio Chino between Melilla and Morocco.Every day hundreds of people are involved in transporting goods from Spain back to Morocco for third persons. For each package introduced in Morocco receive between 3 and 5 euros depending on size. It is estimated that from Monday to Thursday on foot enter Melilla 8,000 porters, mostly women, and then return to Morocco with huge sacks of smuggled goods from the warehouses of the industrial area of Beni Enzar, with a little luck achieved make three trips a day, El Barrio Chino border was opened in June 2008 to improve the image of the traditional border off Beni Enzar.

These irregular exports reproduce the same in the other English city located in Moroccan territory, Ceuta. Estimates made in 2005 estimated that such trade "atypical" generated 500 million euros. And here too, every day from Monday to Thursday, the same scene is repeated: the women waiting at dawn, this time at the border Tarajal call, they rush Those huge packages to load, These tips for working ...


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