Tuesday, November 2, 2010

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imminent release of the detainees Bangla Barcelona ICN Support the campaign

2009: Concentration
weekly in the Plaza of Spain Melilla

impending release of the 47 Bengalis from Melilla.

For 4 pm today, Nov. 2, says the release of the 47 Bangladeshis detained at the Centre for Foreigners in the Zona Franca de Barcelona. It is of the 47 people who remained about five years in the CETI and Melilla from 7 September in Barcelona were detained pending deportation.

The release comes after nearly fulfilled within 60 days of detention contained in the current Immigration Act.

This release is without doubt a triumph of the struggle. First the fight themselves, of these 47 people made during their years of forced stay in Melilla, weekly events, collected 15 thousand signatures, hunger strikes and mostly maintained the integrity and encouragement to continue fighting for a dignified life in Spain.

is also an achievement for us all. Bengali Community of Madrid and Barcelona will always claimed their liberty and transfer to the mainland. The Bengali people led by their relatives and friends in Bangladesh said deportation. Of associations as PRODEIN, Roles and Rights for All have supported his stay at Melilla, and Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwho have accompanied them in the CETI and then the ICE, they have offered legal advice ... also of lawyers and lawyers in Melilla who appealed his detention, faxes from unions, and social policies throughout the state were sent to the courts and ultimately to the thousands of people signed to support their cause.

This release occurs repeatedly despite the willingness expressed by the Delegation of the Government of Melilla to expel these people. It was this delegation who has repeatedly refused to accept the processing of their requests for residency despite fulfilling all legal requirements (more than 3 years of stay in order and criminal employment contract). It was this delegation who called his arrest and transfer to Barcelona for deportation and was she who until date remains unanswered requests for revocation of expulsion orders against these people.

The release is just one more step, very important indeed, the struggle of these people for their roles, essential condition to win a job and a decent life for themselves and their families. This is the task before us for the foreseeable future, the filing of applications for legal residency of these 47 people and its subsequent resolution favorable. Until this situation is reached we have to ensure the reception of persons and legal support necessary.

We finally turn publicly called for the release of such persons to receive them as they deserve to 4 pm on this day, at the gates of the detention center for foreigners in the Zona Franca de Barcelona.

Association Papers Drets i per a Tothom

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Weekly concentration Square Menendez Pelayo

2007 and 2008:
Looking for a place to sleep without being detained overnight

(English-German) WE WANT TO BE IN SPAIN
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