Sunday, November 7, 2010

How Make Cake Baptism

The 7 missing have been deported to Bangladesh.

According declare the deportees, before starting the trip in a military plane police moved them to the airport beat them and insulted them shouting: You are a fucking ... Bastards ... Motherfuckers ...

is not the first time that different groups of deportees complain about ill treatment by police in the moments before the transfer to the appropriate port or airport.

Press: Papers Associació per a Tothom i Drets

The English government is trying to deport Bengali 7 of 49 from Melilla and recently released after serving the legal limit of 60 days in the CIE Barcelona.
seems incredible but true and certainly inhumane. Two hours before the end of retention within the CIE Barcelona, \u200b\u200b7 people in the group were taken from ICN Melilla and transferred to El Prat airport, where military aircraft were transported to Dakka, the capital of Bangladesh.
Once there and before the Bangladeshi government's refusal to accept people who are undocumented and are not recognized as his subjects, the English police are making arrangements between the families of these people supposed to recognize them and to consummate and deportation of them under recently signed repayment agreements.
The fact is tragic and illustrates how to behave in this administration cares nothing the 5-year tenure of these people in Spain, no ties of attachment and the support obtained. Law does not care who is in violation because these people served their period of 60 days have to be in freedom and detention in a English aircraft is illegal. Frustrated by not having accomplished the expulsion of the rest, wants to assert its authority by expelling these seven people.
From here we appeal to all media, all the associations for the protection of human rights at all to oppose this truly awful and prevent the expulsion of these people. Barcelona 6/11/2010

Association Papers Drets i per a Tothom


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