Sunday, November 28, 2010

Extract Hydrogen Water

in November other day said: The Day of the Homeless. Jordi Camí

live in the month of November many important dates whose purpose is to fight for the rights of the disadvantaged, the weak, the violence, the powerless .... These special days we have seen politicians Melilla and some institutions make solemn speeches, rallies with colored ribbons ... Basically all come out in the photo and announced his adamant commitment to defend the interests of all victims.

We also live in November, four situations of families and individuals who for various reasons have spent months living on the street or suffer blatant discrimination by national origin.

The first family led from the month of April living in a car with two very young age. The mother is living in Melilla, the other members are English.

This family proved that he had asked Social Welfare help on many occasions and received only alternative was to give children to social services

The second family is composed of a Moroccan mother to your child English . Takes a year and a half living in the house of the host known on the street day for the hosts one, one day the police have allowed to sleep at the station. Your child is two years and spends many days hitched to the mother's breast because there is nothing to eat.

takes months for help Social Welfare, the only alternative offered is to give your child to social services and she would go to Morocco

The third person is Mohamed (José Sáez) son of a Moroccan military who fought in the war against Franco. With 65 years of age claims to have not been to Spain by boat, his father took him very small, has been in Spain 50 years. In one of the infamous raids are made in Spain by order of the Interior Ministry arrested him and took him to the border. The Moroccan police did not admit it as a subject of Morocco rejected it. Mohamed (José Sáez) takes about three months in the streets of Melilla.

have asked social services and Government Delegation to supply shelter and food or return it Madrid but I say it is illegal and not for anything, tell him to go to Morocco.

The fourth case involved a girl of six years born Melilla. She and her mother are the only all family have no documentation, not living on the streets because his family will welcome English.

schooling We asked repeatedly without success.



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