Wednesday, October 25, 2006 Hack

New Parental Roles. Ms. Mirta De

A little history ...

as an explanation seems logical that in primitive times the constitution physical characteristic of the man, let him deal with the many external dangers and hunt large animals, while women devote more time to raise and care for children.

later with the discovery of agriculture, should also be the man best suited to fight other human groups and defend the space, while women spent more time raising children and housework.

Until recently, all human societies were patriarchal.


Flaquer [1] men tended to engage in food production and protection of social groups and women were devoted almost exclusively to reproduction.

In this context of discourses of men and women's silence, for many centuries passed everyday life familias.El father knew everything there was to know, as he had taught him and as he transmitted to his children.

Until Modernity and with it comes a process of redefinition of the individual subject. The individual "self" begins to emerge. This process begins in the West and is spreading to almost all the world.The Progress will drive this new historical moment. Institutions are strengthened to maintain social order, mainly family, the school and work.

The traditional family is forced to transform and adopt new ways of working. A long process of social and political changes, produce contradictions, twists and turns in the roles of household members. is produced in the different orders of social life, adaptations, successes and setbacks in both male and female winners and losers.

The father loses the authority granted ownership of the land, for example, and its influence is not decisive in the "marriage arrangement" of their children.

A new conception of marriage based on personal choice, allowing the emergence of individual feelings and personal choice.

clinical experience in psychology, with children and families [2] , an average of parents do not attend interviews or do not show too committed to the difficulties of their children.

Of course we can not talk about paternity but paternity , they have to do with the actual historical social context and personal history, family.

is noted, however, from the practice signs that, at this time of transition, new "male subjectivity" are developing.

Males are taking new steps in a new way. A man who can share some housework, not as imitators but printing his trademark. A father who cares and have fun with their children.

culture is saying that there are no jobs sharply divided between men and women and between parents.

In the process of cultural socialization, are the mandates, pressures and meanings what to do and be men and women, each time in the history of mankind.

Lately, we realize, more and more clearly, how the everyday reality, determined and defined by the behavior of its actors are urgently called for changes in these mandates. The traditional and show in many facets, which are inappropriate to the new ways of living. The emergence of individuality of the subject, doing their own desires, to family autonomy, it also leads to the emergence of new practices in the family that allow its members to display their personality and enjoy of the everyday and the public.

Denaturing the roles were defined from their biological origin, you can change history and find new alternatives.

For every woman who takes a step toward their own liberation,

There is a man who discovers that the path to freedom

has been made a little easier.

Decade Taken from Link, April 1992; Fempress, No. 130

[1] Flaquer, Luis: "Fate of the Family", Ed Ariel, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1998.

[2] middle class families in Buenos Aires and San Martín Parties and Tres de Febrero.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

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CHOOSING A Mirta De Andreis

know the etymology of words, allows us to better understand the significance of them. Thus the action of choosing from the Latin: eligere "remove, start, pick up."

Hence it should boot, remove or pick a career?

What things are left out when choosing a career?

does it mean in YOUNG TEEN or done in a culturally specific time, a career choice?.

When we choose a candy from others, we do as we like more: a filling, or perhaps acid, or mint or strawberry or honey ..... in order according to our taste.

When choosing a play to see a Saturday night, after watching the card, choose the ones you like and the other left out. When choosing how to get dressed for a meeting, we decide for a garment and leave others for later. These among a myriad of choices about trivial or important, will not bring about conflict. Conflicts that arise precisely because I can not have everything at the same time, then choose something and leave something.

During the course of our life we \u200b\u200bchoose permanently. In our everyday practice elections are a constant. Some were performed with safety from the dictates of our tastes and desires, almost without realizing it.

The truth is that boys and girls who complete school stage, sooner or later, will be in the situation of choosing a career. In a developmental stage and even conflicting, often unstable, it would seem that should be ordered all his thoughts and feelings, take responsibility and end the right choice.

Choosing mean "well known" and strike the right balance between internal desires and external socio-labor. Be clear on one project and fight for it. Something very difficult and challenging! Truth?

This is one of the important problems should take into account the educational institution. Helping with the continuous guidance of adolescents.

Side, help, guide, listen to young people, respecting their time and their small or trivial choices is usually a good way for you to "jump start" to "pull" their innermost desires and choose according them.

In the process VOCATIONAL try to help in this search are agreed in advance with whom we query the decision is personal and subjective.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

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"There therapists who devote their work to protect people in crisis the opportunity to learn something of their crisis and their lives. But it's really impossible to change without crisis.


Frank Pittman.

Each professional using a particular theoretical approach, try to understand the facts with which it works. Pascal had arisen, that all things are "caused and cause, aided and assistants, mediate and immediate and that all remain in a tie that binds naturally insensitive to the more remote and more different. "Every crisis is an increase in uncertainty. The regulations fail or be dismantled. The predictability decreases. Become threatening disorders.

This applies to any system. A company, institution, a given society, an ordinary family. It is necessary to leave certain programs known, we must invent new strategies. It is often necessary to abandon previously employed and develop solutions and to think in different solutions.

complexity makes us cautious, attentive. Shows we should not lock ourselves into believing that what is happening "now" will continue indefinitely. It always comes back, the unexpected always comes up, it always appears uncertain.

Kuhn Saying "the scientist sees the world through the lens of theory." Theory of Family Therapy, offers an approach to the psychotherapeutic work, multiple link and promoter of change, family in the contextual situation.

The thought that there was a circular causality and non-linear, as had been thought until then, represents a very important change. The concepts of Bateson, although they are made critical for being too theoretical, will influence the way of conceptualizing the therapeutic process with families. Minuchin, who also by that time (years: fifty) looking for new ways to address the therapeutic work with low income families and intellectuals, who found it very difficult to achieve insight and symbolization, develops new techniques.

Start using techniques that help to solve the problems of these families. Experience new ways, different from the traditional, in the session. New

practical action to help families crisis. Minuchin began to work specifically with the interactional field, with the links between family members.

Family is an open system that has the following characteristics:

1. Equifinality: Possibility to change.

2. Tendency to order: Entropy negative tendency prevails order and not chaos.

3. Heterogeneous trend levels, hierarchy, power, interaction, goals and rules.

4. Wholeness: The family is more than the sum of its members.

5. Circularity: The behavior of A affects B and B produces a new effect in A. Each member's behavior affects the whole group.

6. Suitability of homeostasis and change: The homeostasis is maintained by negative feedback. This allows no change. Positive feedback is what allows changes to occur. The change requires the family to temporarily leave the state of homeostais.

7. There Boundary: External and Internal. The first between the family and the context. The second among members. It is important to the demarcation of the same, to perform the duties of the members.

8. Distribution of power: Some people perform certain roles. This leads to a hierarchy and order. The functions are not stable but are changing through the life cycles of the family.

9: There is interdependence among members of the family system and between subsystems.

All these features will be unveiling throughout the sessions. The interactions that the clinician observes, are those that reflect this structure.

"The structural approach family is based on the concept that a family is not confined to individual biopsicodinámicos aspects of its members. The family members are listed according to certain rules that govern their transactions. These provisions, though they usually are not set explicitly, or even recognized, are a whole: the family structure. "1

Analyzing this passage can be distinguished: Minuchin Saying that the family is not limited to biopsicodinámicos aspects of its members, referring to the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, because the relationships are given by rules, ie rules governing the family.

These rules that promote a certain kind of relationship will not accommodate other, thus maintaining a status quo. He adds that "when it becomes the structure of the family group, consequently altering the positions of members in that group ..."

I think this is a key point to Minuchin points to consider in family therapy. If he says `interactions are maintained by the structure and these interactions the therapist detects the difficulties of the family or a family member, which should be promoted so that things improve, will the operation of this structure. It is very important that power functions, regulation and socialization carried out by the family system, within a climate of harmony, to achieve what is called "centripetal" leading to the individualization of each of the members of family. If these functions are normally carried out is said to be a family with "dysfunctional."

The father and mother, forming a subsystem, have two functions, feeding children, education, care, and within the system have more power than children. The distribution of power also depends on the life cycle by which it is passing family. The power of parents is greater when their children are younger, when parents grow older and the children usually take that power. (Dependence-independence). These functions and the distribution of power within the system is maintained by the rules. "These are the rules defining who participates and how in the work" 2

I think this concept is specifically related to the theme of "limits."

Then, following this I argue, the borders are important for the family system to perform its functions and interference will not occur between the subsystems. For this it is necessary that the rules are consistent.

From this believe that the diagnosis somehow will focus on the boundaries with each other subsystems of the family consultation.

If the boundaries are fuzzy, we talk about families making. If, however, are very rigid, detached family talk.

is not uncommon in psychology consultation, these kinds of families. In children with learning difficulties, families bonded, live "school" of the child as a problem of all. They all feel, help, advise, reward and punish, but nobody knows what to do. By contrast, families separated, usually come when the teacher gives ultimatum, and parents do not understand why, but punished, challenge, put penance, but not committed.

Another extremely important, at the time of the consultation, the family who "takes the word" to say what happens to them, and "how you say it."

"The response of context is not automatic nor capricious, due to a process that occurs within the system and part of a performance or explanation that makes this group particularly, the conduct which is the answer. What you do depends on the meaning ascribed to that. This phenomenon is a cognitive, constructive. It is an attribution of meaning, a systematic construction of reality that we call "Official History of the Family" .3

forms of narrating the situation, do not tell us anything about the real world but rather the social agreements with whom you interact. The therapist's intervention is appropriate: to restructure power relations and deconstruct the "Official Story." According to Gergen (1996) how to co-construct new solutions is " forge a new sense "of situations. Find a therapist together a new story. potential. The strategies that the clinician can use when dealing with a family, are varied and depend on the goal of it.

" The term emphasizes questioning the nature dialectic between family and therapist within the therapeutic system "

This question introduces some chaos in the system needed to produce changes that will lead to a new order, more functional and healthy for its members.

With regard to the construction of reality, therapist has to see the family that there are other realities, other alternatives, new. Minuchin referred to this by saying in his book "Just use the facts that the family recognizes as true, but since they will build a new system"

"The family comes with a way of doing things and without resources because it has exhausted its flexibility in the repetition of solutions that do not work. These fixed views that the family has, my answer is uncertainty "

Minuchin This statement, contains the core material of all therapy. The change from a condition known and providing certainty for other unknown and uncertain situation. The first does not make us happy at some point in our family history. And we went into crisis. It is the right time to change the other. When you can, when they crystallize inadequate solutions, family therapy, provides a brief and expected help.

Each consultation is unique, all eyes from a multidisciplinary treatment are necessary to arrive at effective solutions. Synthetic minds the words of A. Battro professionals will be employed in the new era.


1: Salvador Minuchin and Nichols, Michael P.

"The recovery of the family, Paidos, Buenos Aires, 1994

2: Minuchin and Fishman

" Techniques of Family Therapy. "

3: Usandivaras Díaz, Carlos María

"A structural model" study sheet delivered by the Chair.


Minuchin, Salvador and Michael Nichols

"The Restoration of the Family, Paid, Bs.As. 1994

Elkaïm, Mony (Compiler)

"Family therapy in transition", Paid, Bs.As. 1998

Minuchin, s. Y Fishman, Ch

"Techniques of family therapy" paid, 1984

Satir, V.

Relations Human in the family ", Polity Press, 1984

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Learning and Neuropsychology, Ms. Mirta De Andreis and Family Mental Health

Neuropsychology of learning is based on neuroscience. As basic science aims to understand the relationship between higher mental functions (memory, attention, perception, language, thinking, reasoning) and cortical processes that underlie them. Applied science devoted to the tasks of diagnosis and treatment of disorders of higher mental functions.

When we address the problems of learning from the perspective based in neuropsychology we know the mode of each child in their perception and information processing. This knowledge allows us to establish that cognitive strategies used and which leaves aside, what processes are altered cortical and what not.

The child's developing brain has since is evolving and changing.

The child's ability to transform the SN allows growth of brain structures and functions through experience and learning. You can also rearrange with rehabilitation if alterations or delays.

A particular difficulty learning is a disorder of the nervous system development is impaired development affecting higher psychological processes such as perception, attention, memory, language, reasoning. Of course within a framework in which we can not exclude other contextual variables in their particular history.

functional systems correspond to cortical systems in the process of change during the course give rise to higher psychological processes related by the principle of double dissociation of functions, therefore, any alteration or change in an functional system area alter the performance of some psychological processes

Since the brain is a system of systems to function properly need all cortical areas to work properly. The two hemispheres work additionally and simultaneously in most cognitive activities given the complexity of these the two main strategies of our brain to process information. cognitive processes are sequential and successive processes related simultáneos.Los with hearing and speech and successive syntheses are performed in frontal and temporal lobes and left hemisphere is very important.

simultaneous processes are associated with vision and touch. The spatial and visual memory are at your service.

The 4 lobes that make up the crust are the occipital lobe making the visual, temporal lobe the auditory, parietal lobe the frontal lobe textures and movements and the higher thought.

occurs in neuroscience in the year 1999 a fundamental discovery is that thousands of new neurons in our brain are formed in the central area within the hippocampus, an area involved in memory and migrate to the prefrontal region, temporal and parietal. This breaks the paradigm which held that in the adult brain do not form new neurons.

The human genome contains instructions for brain development and selected external environmental influences that strengthen synapses appropriate activity patterns of neurons. Synapses that are not used die off. In terms of learning is extremely important as it strengthens external stimulation synapses or create new ones and in case of specific disorders appropriate stimulation can reorganize and rehabilitate these functions.

is widely shown that the brain is modified by learning plasticity and ability, so changes in performance that cause developmental disorders or learning disabilities, with a neuropsychological treatment programs based on stimulation, can restore the functions deficit or achieve the best possible performance.

Sunday, October 8, 2006

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The family is an intersection point and a integration axis, between the individual and the community.

The complexity of family problems and quality of life, phenomena associated with socioeconomic and cultural

leads who are in constant contact with them from mental health to enable us and reflect

a new professional approach. Understand
This approach should be multidisciplinary and integrative and synthetic look. Taking a pragmatic

position in front of the family as a social organization. This implies a focus on integration of different analysis because it allows

dynamism and wealth. And integration is an approach to social intervention programs.

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female subjectivity and professional project

In our society, the development of female gender role is not easy.

1. "The girls receive education to prepare for a technologically and socially complex society. On the other hand, there is a sense

that this training is a seudoentrenamiento. It is not intended to interfere with other training,

more important, to be a wife and mother who is into the unconscious development of the girl and her mother teaches in

a context in which it is clearly, the outgoing parent figure "(Chodorow, Nancy-1982)

In the vocational counseling process, I have observed, over twenty years of working with adolescents and young women

, changes in my clients and my own changes, as a woman, compared to the social mandates

and family, which is expected to do, think, read and select a "good woman."

I also believed that a good wife must be above all a good mother, and a good mother "waives"

's desires for the welfare of their children. Must be unconditional, selfless, sympathetic. Of course, in these times of crisis, should

work, progress, be a good professional and an excellent companion.

This feminine subjectivity that acquires features of "Wonder Woman" who can do everything that does ten things at once

, working double shifts, both within and outside the home, has been reproduced in our young women today. Among this trend

labor participation and maternal carrying, are woven many of the identifications, conflicts

, ideals and fears, which are projected at the time of vocational choice.

observe in my clients, a conflict set, from the outset, the roles will develop in the future. It

usually refer to their mothers, like overworked and concerns. In some cases, very few have a

reactive behavior, saying they will not marry, to live alone and work, serving in high office.

In the period that our society attaches to the teenager, to define more personal identity and learn skills to

their occupational identity, these are worth looking mirrors and you keep getting the "other." So, go

defining who they are, who want to be and what others want them to be.

questions are opened, doubts arise. Some are alone with the responsibility to choose and others are caught in the middle

mandates, requirements, family and social expectations.

Teens the new century, when talking about his future, generally reflect the same ambivalence of women in the seventies

. Admit that in his vision, there is some implied flexibility that allows a family,

but from there, they enter a twilight zone. For these women, it is understood that the arrival of their first child

not change the race of the father. The necessary adjustments will be borne by the mother,

prioritizing the needs of others before their own.

"However much we may say that women have been" liberated, they seem to think otherwise ... Most

women who participated in the opinion poll conducted by Virginia Slims in 1990 agreed on the statement that

status of sex in society U.S. had improved "a little, not much." All surveys conducted during the

eighties, overwhelming majorities of women said it was necessary to ensure equal employment opportunities and

equal pay for equal work ... a federal law that sets out the maternity and
decent service
care ... how far we have "won" the war for the rights of women .... The proposed

feminism is very simple: ask not force women to " choose "between public justice and private happiness. Calls for

women are free to define identity for themselves, rather it is defined, again and again, by the

culture they are part and men with whom they live "(Falaudi, Susan-1993)

actually arise more and more questions. Many aspects have improved the lives of women. Relations between

men and women have changed over the history of mankind.

emerging women, historically, as "subjects" who have a desire to own, but find it hard to.

In this journey through history and accumulate roles. Women learn more about ourselves. Eva Giberti, in

Women's Times says:
"Women have solved problems and has overcome unprecedented situations of conflict, but is still full of fears and dissatisfactions

in living with the man's angst and it hinders their integration into the modern world."

Each career counseling, adolescent girls, relive these feelings, the exacerbating conflicts,

are present, obviously or not, social stereotypes, familiar terms, bias status.

Who we work with adolescents, from the teaching practice, social, clinical, from different perspectives, we understand the importance of

new paradigm for addressing the relationships between genders and generations.
Our eyes must be directed toward understanding the diversity rather than difference.

A new woman has been emerging in recent times, a new man is slowly emerging: more participatory

daily level with less pressure away from home because they do not feel all the financial burden on him.
In this interplay of relationships on which to discuss and reflect on each area of \u200b\u200beducational guidance, vocational

, learning, family therapy, both women and men, mothers and fathers should share and

distribute obligations and pleasures of domestic life and relationship with the children equally.


arise in the not too distant future, affordable options to solve the issues of everyday life?
male and female workers may enjoy longer holidays and shorter working hours?

finally be achieved democratization conjugal relations?

be achieved in schools, to avoid the emergence of a gender superior to another and instill learning tasks as

symmetrical for both?
The road is already being mapped, love, solidarity, peace, creative and innovative work in all areas

shared by men and women must unite effectively, speech and action.

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The twentieth century, the century heyday of modernity, defined "nuclear family" as: "The basic cell of society


This classic concept based on biology, league sexuality and procreation, the family institution.

Both operate within the private space.

This family of modernity vital project is procreation and the generational transmission.
This ideal family model, consists of a monogamous marriage and children. Living under one roof and its

deployed within the various roles of its members, within a patriarchal structure in which

down hierarchical relationships.

women confined to domestic and child rearing, perform duties related to body contact and

meeting the nutritional and emotional needs.
Males, providers of financial support, representing the highest authority in the family.

This spatial division between home and work, is widespread in modernity from the Industrial Revolution and the emergence


Today, in light of the great changes and we enter the new millennium, not for talking about "the family" but "the

homogeneous discourse of modernity is replaced by the speeches of the different realities that shape our current


Today there are families who do not respond to this "ideal model" of which we spoke earlier.
Families Single-Parent "," Assembled "," reconstructed "," Sole Proprietorship. " These

new settings, do not have a word that means some kinship: "the husband of the mother,"

"children of the husband of the mother," "father's wife, etc.desplazan the words" stepmother "," stepfather "etc.

Today, the vital project of a couple, does not necessarily have offspring.
Women have made a historical, and have made progress in the public and the world production. In this way

was designing new roles.

The aim of this study is to think, from a gender perspective, some possible forms of relational relations

family, allowing the development independent of each of its members, in a climate of equality and democracy in

within families.


changes that occur in family organizations, are of course closely related, with

changes that occur in other sectors of the social structure .

"It has been said that the family is a particularly conservative institution. And indeed it is, because through a

long process of socialization, transmitting familai ethical and social values, habits, customs, norms, roles,
relationships and expectations
aimed at "preserving" the cultural patterns inherited, which are transmitted from generation to generation

. "1

families train their offspring to face the outside world and so while it is conservative and resists

changes is influenced by major changes occurring in the context with which it interacts actively.

Since the late nineteenth century, and throughout the twentieth century, a large number of discoveries and

scientific and technological, have an extraordinary impact on the human lifestyle.
Mechanization influences the production and domestic work. Leaving
women, the public sphere, a series of changes in traditional roles imposed by the division of labor

technological innovations alter patterns of behavior, values, social relations and family organizations. Novelty
and refurbished industrial assets, technology and cyber help domestic comfort.
Prepared foods, new communication technologies and related to everyday work life, provide

many daily tasks, which previously went back and forth as many hours devoted to its realization. §
2.2. Demographic Revolution:

During the twentieth century produced a decline in mortality due to advances in hygiene, medicine and food


"In 1930, infant mortality rates, measured the proportion of children dying before their first year of life

were not anywhere below 3.5 per 100, and the Mediterranean countries, Central Europe and Japan

exceeded 10 per 100. In 1955 fell below 5 per 100, and in 1965 to below 2.5 per 100 in all Western countries,

except the Mediterranean. In 1989, did not exceed 0.8 per 100 in Canada and in most

countries of Northern Europe and the West ... "2

On the other hand, life expectancy has increased significantly." This extension of life was more important for

women than for men " .3

This phenomenon of aging, also introduces changes in the family life cycle, extending the years of cohabitation

couples, after having fathered and raised their children, requiring adjustments in the bond of marriage.

"The consequences of the demographic revolution not over yet. Moreover, the population continues to grow at

an unprecedented rate, with the aggravating that "almost half of that growth occurs in Third World countries, which

are, by definition, those least able to absorb" (UN Report, 1988). "4

There are large imbalances in the South and East, due to many factors, including high population growth

and growing poverty, contrasted with the population of the North, which has stalled.


democratic processes in modern society have been changing the structure of the patriarchal family.

"What we have is an ongoing growing multiplicity of family forms and social activities. This multiplicity,

lamented by some, can also be seen as part of the democratization processes of everyday life and the extent of

"right to have rights" (including pleasure), with which the idea of \u200b\u200bcrisis germ becomes

innovation and social creativity "5


From this approach, which is being analyzed, families are not isolated units of the social world.

family formations are the result of continuous dynamics, which involves various social, political, legal,

well as the dominant ideologies of the time. Different
change factors, some mentioned in point 2.tienen direct or indirect effects on families and

everyday practices that they perform.

"Both the military in Argentina's 76, as the Chileans and many others, perhaps taking as a model Catholic
speech, used and abused the family metaphor. The family as a" basic cell "of society and

nation understood in terms of a large family, are part of an image that can be interpreted in different and even contradictory

. Went beyond the metaphor and discourse, intervened violently in the privacy and the privacy of families


To this thought, so well expressed by Jelin, there is" The Family ", heterosexual, monogamous with children and works

Other real existing family organizations, are "deviations".
This traditional family model is based on asymmetrical power relations that men and women are treated as

"natural" along the shared contextual history and function as basic assumptions.

The social imaginary, which is transmitted through generations, argues that "man must be a good worker," "successful,"

"intelligent" in the public sphere and women must be "loving", "soft and delicately fragile" in the private sector.

In this traditional relationship, housework is invisible, that consuming, most of the time women,

through a sliding theory, which considers, on behalf of the "natural reproductive capacity of women" as
all the tasks for this "social mandate" has been forced to make for a long time (cleaning, cooking

, caring for other family members, care, bring home climate, understanding husband, live

children and of course forget about herself, or be the last as applicable).

"This supposed natural order also attaches inilineal relationship between authority and masculinity:" If domestic

unit is a man, he is the head of household. "This idea has been on the basis of data collected by

population censuses and surveys permanent homes. "7

addition to this family, other organizational forms coexist. Social change, migration, processes of democratization

, participation in them, change in the labor market and the professionalization and education of

women in general, have changed the dynamics of family relationships.

"In Argentina there has been in recent decades a small increase in age at first marriage legal, because

actually increased marital unions, especially among young urban middle class. There was also a decrease

marriage rates and increased hecho.Se unions increased divorce and separation facts

becoming more common. "8
Moreover also the status of" unmarried ", living alone or alone, has lost its former significance and is a state many times elected

, allowing intensive development of professional aspects.
These one-person households, according to data from the PHS, the Buenos Aires metropolitan area, are more common in

middle and high.

Today, many young couples, for lack of economic resources, unite and go to live in the homes of some of their parents

, settling for larger families. Many women

incorporated into the work force, achieve economic independence and relationships can end

or violent conflict, by submission of gender.

Among single parent families, consisting of mothers and children have increased significantly.
female head of household has its own characteristics depending on the socio-cultural context in which it is.
popular sectors are poorer, more vulnerados.Frecuentemente, these women care for their children, without help from

father, living with relatives.

also found, families "rebuilt" or "assembled" with men and women who marry or form new groups,

children living with both or one of the dos.También may be the case that either they have older children

have their own home or live alone.

We are also witnessing new family, not yet common in our society, but in other tread. The

homosexual couples with children who raise and educate each other.

"Every new way means recognition of the need for a new role socialization and consequently, the

modification of individual and social perspectives" 9

The current reality and practice in the area of \u200b\u200bhealth or education, shows me that there

a wide diversity of family forms.
In each, their own members have shared expectations. In each family emotions are experienced, suffers and rejoices

It is a crisis of the patriarchal family, which has brought an unequal division of roles and functions

But the processes of democratization, which also generates greater individuation and autonomy of women and young people are reeling

patriarchal authority. Whatever
the organization with different families, it is essential to develop links

allow full democratic participation in and out of them.

Women have come a long way, and we will not atrás.Sufrimos, we learned,

discover our own desires.
We love our partner, we want to be mothers, people want to be autonomous and responsible for our actions, we

her daughters want to be professionals, we participate in our reality.
This we can do that in any family that also respects each of its members.

"This is where the privilege diversity alternate creativity on the outside with the performance of tasks

claim a home. For this it is necessary to rethink the type of bond that unites women to men
by the authority. It would be a task of decentering of which we far away. It comes down to a struggle between

"advocates" of women and the "critics" which, again, is an initial stage of the process, because this type of

reading difficulties in understanding social relationships placed in context social history. "10

I have no doubt that the next major changes within the private sphere of families, must be given by men


If we consult with the word" crisis "we find:" moment in a matter of importance. "
This is the time in which men may create new ways to share home and enjoy the children.
Solo being together in public and private life, sharing responsibilities and achievements, inventing and recreating

new and old roles, may find equitable solutions in this decisive moment.

"Traditionally we are prepared to live isolated in the" inside. "He was being held, neglected and lost.
qualified sites are occupied by the man, no matter how you come to them." Is that why

men unleash terrible and bitter struggles from small to see who is longer, wider or higher? "To see who is more macho

? To see quén goes further in the world phallocratic of culture, economy and power?. In this universe
the appearance of feminine delicacy disturbs and shakes all the deep structures, then

rejected and referred to as "stupid weakness." But in reality, it takes a big kiss, embracing and warm, to improve and humanize

this world of men "always erect", as they do not look up, believe they are the highest. "§

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Anencephaly New Family - An ethical reflection

The twentieth century has witnessed many conflicts within the field of ethics, and led to a need to solve new problems

individually and collectively.

The progress of the various branches of scientific knowledge has created new ethical dilemmas in the exercise of professional

different areas. The profound changes in science and technology, opening a wide perspective

promising in the field of health, but at the same time they are born new hope and new possibilities arise

concerns and confusion. Consultations

encountered in clinical practice and education, both at institutional and private, require an interdisciplinary approach

require ongoing critical reflection about the moral foundations of science. Many

cases in recent years in our country have taken public awareness and generated an ethical dilemma in which they are committed

pregnant women and their families suffering from the situation and the various health professionals and

justice involved in the case.

Bioethics emerged as a subdiscipline of applied ethics. It deals with issues that relate specifically to

human life, its beginning and end. Guy Durand
argues that bioethics is twofold in its focus on individual deals with conflict both

subjects' personal and professional self reflection. But it is also concerned about the "impact of these decisions

in society and society's impact on individuals'
(Guy Durand, 1992). As to the nature of this discipline stems from the medical ethics which in its historical origins

not maintained independent of religions. Focused on doctor-patient relationship was born of a paternalistic medicine,

which gave doctors the power to decide what is best for the patient and determining the value of which was the respect for life.

secular approach does not mean that believers not be heard in the matter, just so as not to ask others

public non-believers to abandon their ideology. What we do claim is that advance their beliefs,

not argue from the belief that dialogue and establishing a rational and humane level.
As interdisciplinary approach, it is clear that progress in order to bio-medical and new

practices include teamwork, new professionals are involved in these issues interacting

from their different perspectives.
The other feature of bioethics (following G. Durand) is the vision of the future. This discipline is intended

find new solutions adapted to new situations, finding new items and foundations to discuss this

for the future. Finally
by G. Durand, modern medicine refers to a holistic approach, integrating the patient, dealing with

sick person in a family and inserted into a context. Bioethics is concerned with the personal decision of

patient, doctor-patient dialogue and social practices and legal environment.
We can say then, from this analysis that bioethics is a systematic, coherent and original

biomedical reality.

"The doctor is someone who is faced with suffering. Suffering means as a sign of something that will become significant

... being diagnosed out of the ordinary order, enter a technical nature that classifies it and passes

depend on the physician "(Giberti) Arleen Salles

According to the bioethics "shares an important feature with ethical particularism: stresses the need to address

cases and shows a tendency towards a particular type of analysis than is typically evident in

theoretical discussions of ethics" (Salles, 1996 .)
In this view, bioethics emphasizes understanding the particularities of each situation not only through of

reason, it is necessary to develop emotional skills and attitude toward the other. (Alonso, 1999)

New medical issues and ethical dilemmas, provoke an awareness that living in a pluralistic world

is necessary to discuss new issues that involve all citizens.

As you can see most of the issues in the field of bioethics has to do with the meaning and value of

suffering, life and death.
On the other hand it is also necessary to understand that bioethics is often a problem with ideological as

social policies with which you are bound.

Anencephaly is defined by medical science as a "neural tube defect (defect that occurs during early fetal development

, which damages the primitive tissue later becomes the brain and spinal cord).

is the absence of both the skull and the cerebral hemispheres (neocortex
Anencephaly was the first recognized fetal malformation by ultrasound, and early detection is possible.

not recommend any specific therapy, since it is of a terminal illness.
regard to prognosis this condition usually causes death within of hours or days. A higher rate of

defects in the formation of neural tube babies born after the mother had another pregnancy with anencephaly

history. This disease is always fatal.
As for the physical risks that can run the mother, pregnancy-related complications involving anencephalic

polyhydric increased and fetal macrosomia with no neck and small head size that can produce stem

penetration in the channel delivery. This can cause dystocia.

pregnant woman is informed, that is being generated and anencephalic the prognosis is death

immediately after birth. Ie is aware of that as time passes and the baby grows in her womb

approaches death.
The gravity of this situation and feelings of pain, threat and internal destruction cause psychological damage. (Giberti,

2001) in the mother.
The existence of "psychological injury" is based using a diagnostic methodology which some authors

develops in several dimensions. A clinical dimension. Psychopathological dimensions and development process. A link dimension
establishing or discarding
a relationship between the current and the damaging event. A practical dimension

clarifying qualities, mental skills of the subject and its loss, maintenance or decrease and time dimension, determining

the transience or permanence of diagnosed mental disorders.
psychological damage shows a correspondence on an organic-functional related to the autonomic nervous system.
"psychologically evaluated, is associated with trauma involving injury, threat, intrusion or destruction

psychophysics with functional impairment of the subject and risk altering their subjectivity to become

traumatic memory "(Giberti)
The tremendous certainty, given by medical science, that this be anencephalic, no human future, add to this woman, who

mother may not be generated in a deep sadness and "the contents of his psyche, his compositions

imaginary and symbolic are linked to movements of being anencephalic fetus, interfering with the process of subjectification
When a woman chooses abortion, opt for this decision, understanding who is doing well

best possible or the lesser evil to their children, for herself and her family.
This attitude, with the characteristics of each particular case, is not shared by all researchers, not

by all clinicians, not by all theologians.
an anencephalic pregnancy in our country and those countries with a restrictive policy on abortion has generated strong

debates and ethical dilemmas. This dilemma arises when facing the diagnosis of "anencephalic fetus" and information to pregnant women

the features of this anomaly, the woman makes the decision to terminate the pregnancy.
In these cases of pregnancies incompatible with life ethical and legal issues involved, intersecting

principles and values, so it becomes essential to look bioethics.
In 2001, our country, changed the usual view that they should address many of the couples who attend a

pregnancy with an anencephalic fetus. The Supreme Court ruled that should be made to the request of a mother on the basis

argument that mental health should be protected while the death of his son would not occur by the fact that

but as born before result of irreversible disease which presented, which showed death

as inevitable.
years ago - on September 25, 1996 - National Court of First Instance in Civil No. 9 of the City of Buenos

Aires, however, denied the legal authorization for the practice of an interruption of pregnancy in pregnancy

with similar characteristics and a fetus had anencephaly. The request for termination of pregnancy

alleged that the mother had suffered from nervous disorders and to continue the pregnancy in time, would have suffered a detriment to health

the future lifestyle derived from biological deficiencies of his son .
We must remember that our law, the interruption of pregnancy is or is not punishable (Article 86.2 of the Criminal Code:

to prevent a greater evil, for example, to preserve the health of the mother or the violation of an idiot) or a

Crime in the latter case in particular and unlike the first one played that should not privilege the

pain and anguish of parents against the rights of the unborn child. It also emphasized that the scope of emotions and feelings

should be ignored when judging and in this case the foundation of what is claimed

consistent with the feelings of the parents but not unborn child . From the point of view legal interpreted the unborn child is a subject fit for

hold legal title to their lives, regardless of whether the unborn child in the future be unable or impractical

. Finally, the authorization to legitimize the abortion would open the door to legitimate a

eugenic policy. Given
under this restrictive policy on abortion and meet the growing demand from women to terminate these pregnancies

anencephalic fetuses or other malformations incompatible with life, purpose is an analysis

bioethical termination of pregnancy of an anencephalic.
Many couples facing these situations risking to go ahead with her pregnancy and preparing emotionally for

receive their children may die early, require remedial treatment or living with a permanent deficit.
Other couples opt for termination of pregnancy with the understanding that they are doing the best possible good or lesser evil

for their children, for themselves and their families. Both decisions are usually taken for the sake of life,

family, children and are not intended to thoughtlessness or death wish. These two attitudes, with

characteristics of each case, they deserve be considered individually.
patient pregnant woman as stars, from the moment he is informed of the irreversible disease of the fetus that is developing

, a tragedy that surrounds his life and his family. He lives with certainty what qualifies as a "funeral

long" (Drane, J. 1992) because in the current state of biomedical science, there is no real possibility of reversing

the table.
This situation faces a traumatic and painful experience, by starting it inevitably in a state of dis-emotional

worsens with advancing pregnancy.
For women with anencephalic pregnancy the psychological damage is tied with the moral damage in the time against

his decision to terminate the pregnancy instead of meeting with an "other" I hear your request and the accompanying it

meets "speech interference persecutory legal and medical shrinking fear adjective

as destroyers of human life "(Giberti)

These women also suffer psychological damages, resulting from traumatic situation anencephalic pregnancy, as described

, damage moral and institutional neglect does not listen to their pain and does not respect the human right to life

In the case of a pregnancy is incompatible with life, if a woman is denied the ability to access the advancement

delivery, are violating a fundamental human right, which is their right to comprehensive health
The right to health has been recognized nationally and internationally as a human right, so that the

physical, mental and social that it can achieve, is a right which the State is obliged to guarantee.
"Given that anencephaly is fatal at a rate of one hundred percent of the cases, sufferers have no

viability, forcing a woman pregnant with an anencephalic to continue with the pregnancy, is a clear danger to their health

can not be avoided but with the interruption of the pregnancy. "(Prigoshin, Pearl Eugenia)