Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Can You Use Woollite In He Washing Machine


"There therapists who devote their work to protect people in crisis the opportunity to learn something of their crisis and their lives. But it's really impossible to change without crisis.


Frank Pittman.

Each professional using a particular theoretical approach, try to understand the facts with which it works. Pascal had arisen, that all things are "caused and cause, aided and assistants, mediate and immediate and that all remain in a tie that binds naturally insensitive to the more remote and more different. "Every crisis is an increase in uncertainty. The regulations fail or be dismantled. The predictability decreases. Become threatening disorders.

This applies to any system. A company, institution, a given society, an ordinary family. It is necessary to leave certain programs known, we must invent new strategies. It is often necessary to abandon previously employed and develop solutions and to think in different solutions.

complexity makes us cautious, attentive. Shows we should not lock ourselves into believing that what is happening "now" will continue indefinitely. It always comes back, the unexpected always comes up, it always appears uncertain.

Kuhn Saying "the scientist sees the world through the lens of theory." Theory of Family Therapy, offers an approach to the psychotherapeutic work, multiple link and promoter of change, family in the contextual situation.

The thought that there was a circular causality and non-linear, as had been thought until then, represents a very important change. The concepts of Bateson, although they are made critical for being too theoretical, will influence the way of conceptualizing the therapeutic process with families. Minuchin, who also by that time (years: fifty) looking for new ways to address the therapeutic work with low income families and intellectuals, who found it very difficult to achieve insight and symbolization, develops new techniques.

Start using techniques that help to solve the problems of these families. Experience new ways, different from the traditional, in the session. New

practical action to help families crisis. Minuchin began to work specifically with the interactional field, with the links between family members.

Family is an open system that has the following characteristics:

1. Equifinality: Possibility to change.

2. Tendency to order: Entropy negative tendency prevails order and not chaos.

3. Heterogeneous trend levels, hierarchy, power, interaction, goals and rules.

4. Wholeness: The family is more than the sum of its members.

5. Circularity: The behavior of A affects B and B produces a new effect in A. Each member's behavior affects the whole group.

6. Suitability of homeostasis and change: The homeostasis is maintained by negative feedback. This allows no change. Positive feedback is what allows changes to occur. The change requires the family to temporarily leave the state of homeostais.

7. There Boundary: External and Internal. The first between the family and the context. The second among members. It is important to the demarcation of the same, to perform the duties of the members.

8. Distribution of power: Some people perform certain roles. This leads to a hierarchy and order. The functions are not stable but are changing through the life cycles of the family.

9: There is interdependence among members of the family system and between subsystems.

All these features will be unveiling throughout the sessions. The interactions that the clinician observes, are those that reflect this structure.

"The structural approach family is based on the concept that a family is not confined to individual biopsicodinámicos aspects of its members. The family members are listed according to certain rules that govern their transactions. These provisions, though they usually are not set explicitly, or even recognized, are a whole: the family structure. "1

Analyzing this passage can be distinguished: Minuchin Saying that the family is not limited to biopsicodinámicos aspects of its members, referring to the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, because the relationships are given by rules, ie rules governing the family.

These rules that promote a certain kind of relationship will not accommodate other, thus maintaining a status quo. He adds that "when it becomes the structure of the family group, consequently altering the positions of members in that group ..."

I think this is a key point to Minuchin points to consider in family therapy. If he says `interactions are maintained by the structure and these interactions the therapist detects the difficulties of the family or a family member, which should be promoted so that things improve, will the operation of this structure. It is very important that power functions, regulation and socialization carried out by the family system, within a climate of harmony, to achieve what is called "centripetal" leading to the individualization of each of the members of family. If these functions are normally carried out is said to be a family with "dysfunctional."

The father and mother, forming a subsystem, have two functions, feeding children, education, care, and within the system have more power than children. The distribution of power also depends on the life cycle by which it is passing family. The power of parents is greater when their children are younger, when parents grow older and the children usually take that power. (Dependence-independence). These functions and the distribution of power within the system is maintained by the rules. "These are the rules defining who participates and how in the work" 2

I think this concept is specifically related to the theme of "limits."

Then, following this I argue, the borders are important for the family system to perform its functions and interference will not occur between the subsystems. For this it is necessary that the rules are consistent.

From this believe that the diagnosis somehow will focus on the boundaries with each other subsystems of the family consultation.

If the boundaries are fuzzy, we talk about families making. If, however, are very rigid, detached family talk.

is not uncommon in psychology consultation, these kinds of families. In children with learning difficulties, families bonded, live "school" of the child as a problem of all. They all feel, help, advise, reward and punish, but nobody knows what to do. By contrast, families separated, usually come when the teacher gives ultimatum, and parents do not understand why, but punished, challenge, put penance, but not committed.

Another extremely important, at the time of the consultation, the family who "takes the word" to say what happens to them, and "how you say it."

"The response of context is not automatic nor capricious, due to a process that occurs within the system and part of a performance or explanation that makes this group particularly, the conduct which is the answer. What you do depends on the meaning ascribed to that. This phenomenon is a cognitive, constructive. It is an attribution of meaning, a systematic construction of reality that we call "Official History of the Family" .3

forms of narrating the situation, do not tell us anything about the real world but rather the social agreements with whom you interact. The therapist's intervention is appropriate: to restructure power relations and deconstruct the "Official Story." According to Gergen (1996) how to co-construct new solutions is " forge a new sense "of situations. Find a therapist together a new story. potential. The strategies that the clinician can use when dealing with a family, are varied and depend on the goal of it.

" The term emphasizes questioning the nature dialectic between family and therapist within the therapeutic system "

This question introduces some chaos in the system needed to produce changes that will lead to a new order, more functional and healthy for its members.

With regard to the construction of reality, therapist has to see the family that there are other realities, other alternatives, new. Minuchin referred to this by saying in his book "Just use the facts that the family recognizes as true, but since they will build a new system"

"The family comes with a way of doing things and without resources because it has exhausted its flexibility in the repetition of solutions that do not work. These fixed views that the family has, my answer is uncertainty "

Minuchin This statement, contains the core material of all therapy. The change from a condition known and providing certainty for other unknown and uncertain situation. The first does not make us happy at some point in our family history. And we went into crisis. It is the right time to change the other. When you can, when they crystallize inadequate solutions, family therapy, provides a brief and expected help.

Each consultation is unique, all eyes from a multidisciplinary treatment are necessary to arrive at effective solutions. Synthetic minds the words of A. Battro professionals will be employed in the new era.


1: Salvador Minuchin and Nichols, Michael P.

"The recovery of the family, Paidos, Buenos Aires, 1994

2: Minuchin and Fishman

" Techniques of Family Therapy. "

3: Usandivaras Díaz, Carlos María

"A structural model" study sheet delivered by the Chair.


Minuchin, Salvador and Michael Nichols

"The Restoration of the Family, Paid, Bs.As. 1994

Elkaïm, Mony (Compiler)

"Family therapy in transition", Paid, Bs.As. 1998

Minuchin, s. Y Fishman, Ch

"Techniques of family therapy" paid, 1984

Satir, V.

Relations Human in the family ", Polity Press, 1984


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