Sunday, October 8, 2006

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Anencephaly New Family - An ethical reflection

The twentieth century has witnessed many conflicts within the field of ethics, and led to a need to solve new problems

individually and collectively.

The progress of the various branches of scientific knowledge has created new ethical dilemmas in the exercise of professional

different areas. The profound changes in science and technology, opening a wide perspective

promising in the field of health, but at the same time they are born new hope and new possibilities arise

concerns and confusion. Consultations

encountered in clinical practice and education, both at institutional and private, require an interdisciplinary approach

require ongoing critical reflection about the moral foundations of science. Many

cases in recent years in our country have taken public awareness and generated an ethical dilemma in which they are committed

pregnant women and their families suffering from the situation and the various health professionals and

justice involved in the case.

Bioethics emerged as a subdiscipline of applied ethics. It deals with issues that relate specifically to

human life, its beginning and end. Guy Durand
argues that bioethics is twofold in its focus on individual deals with conflict both

subjects' personal and professional self reflection. But it is also concerned about the "impact of these decisions

in society and society's impact on individuals'
(Guy Durand, 1992). As to the nature of this discipline stems from the medical ethics which in its historical origins

not maintained independent of religions. Focused on doctor-patient relationship was born of a paternalistic medicine,

which gave doctors the power to decide what is best for the patient and determining the value of which was the respect for life.

secular approach does not mean that believers not be heard in the matter, just so as not to ask others

public non-believers to abandon their ideology. What we do claim is that advance their beliefs,

not argue from the belief that dialogue and establishing a rational and humane level.
As interdisciplinary approach, it is clear that progress in order to bio-medical and new

practices include teamwork, new professionals are involved in these issues interacting

from their different perspectives.
The other feature of bioethics (following G. Durand) is the vision of the future. This discipline is intended

find new solutions adapted to new situations, finding new items and foundations to discuss this

for the future. Finally
by G. Durand, modern medicine refers to a holistic approach, integrating the patient, dealing with

sick person in a family and inserted into a context. Bioethics is concerned with the personal decision of

patient, doctor-patient dialogue and social practices and legal environment.
We can say then, from this analysis that bioethics is a systematic, coherent and original

biomedical reality.

"The doctor is someone who is faced with suffering. Suffering means as a sign of something that will become significant

... being diagnosed out of the ordinary order, enter a technical nature that classifies it and passes

depend on the physician "(Giberti) Arleen Salles

According to the bioethics "shares an important feature with ethical particularism: stresses the need to address

cases and shows a tendency towards a particular type of analysis than is typically evident in

theoretical discussions of ethics" (Salles, 1996 .)
In this view, bioethics emphasizes understanding the particularities of each situation not only through of

reason, it is necessary to develop emotional skills and attitude toward the other. (Alonso, 1999)

New medical issues and ethical dilemmas, provoke an awareness that living in a pluralistic world

is necessary to discuss new issues that involve all citizens.

As you can see most of the issues in the field of bioethics has to do with the meaning and value of

suffering, life and death.
On the other hand it is also necessary to understand that bioethics is often a problem with ideological as

social policies with which you are bound.

Anencephaly is defined by medical science as a "neural tube defect (defect that occurs during early fetal development

, which damages the primitive tissue later becomes the brain and spinal cord).

is the absence of both the skull and the cerebral hemispheres (neocortex
Anencephaly was the first recognized fetal malformation by ultrasound, and early detection is possible.

not recommend any specific therapy, since it is of a terminal illness.
regard to prognosis this condition usually causes death within of hours or days. A higher rate of

defects in the formation of neural tube babies born after the mother had another pregnancy with anencephaly

history. This disease is always fatal.
As for the physical risks that can run the mother, pregnancy-related complications involving anencephalic

polyhydric increased and fetal macrosomia with no neck and small head size that can produce stem

penetration in the channel delivery. This can cause dystocia.

pregnant woman is informed, that is being generated and anencephalic the prognosis is death

immediately after birth. Ie is aware of that as time passes and the baby grows in her womb

approaches death.
The gravity of this situation and feelings of pain, threat and internal destruction cause psychological damage. (Giberti,

2001) in the mother.
The existence of "psychological injury" is based using a diagnostic methodology which some authors

develops in several dimensions. A clinical dimension. Psychopathological dimensions and development process. A link dimension
establishing or discarding
a relationship between the current and the damaging event. A practical dimension

clarifying qualities, mental skills of the subject and its loss, maintenance or decrease and time dimension, determining

the transience or permanence of diagnosed mental disorders.
psychological damage shows a correspondence on an organic-functional related to the autonomic nervous system.
"psychologically evaluated, is associated with trauma involving injury, threat, intrusion or destruction

psychophysics with functional impairment of the subject and risk altering their subjectivity to become

traumatic memory "(Giberti)
The tremendous certainty, given by medical science, that this be anencephalic, no human future, add to this woman, who

mother may not be generated in a deep sadness and "the contents of his psyche, his compositions

imaginary and symbolic are linked to movements of being anencephalic fetus, interfering with the process of subjectification
When a woman chooses abortion, opt for this decision, understanding who is doing well

best possible or the lesser evil to their children, for herself and her family.
This attitude, with the characteristics of each particular case, is not shared by all researchers, not

by all clinicians, not by all theologians.
an anencephalic pregnancy in our country and those countries with a restrictive policy on abortion has generated strong

debates and ethical dilemmas. This dilemma arises when facing the diagnosis of "anencephalic fetus" and information to pregnant women

the features of this anomaly, the woman makes the decision to terminate the pregnancy.
In these cases of pregnancies incompatible with life ethical and legal issues involved, intersecting

principles and values, so it becomes essential to look bioethics.
In 2001, our country, changed the usual view that they should address many of the couples who attend a

pregnancy with an anencephalic fetus. The Supreme Court ruled that should be made to the request of a mother on the basis

argument that mental health should be protected while the death of his son would not occur by the fact that

but as born before result of irreversible disease which presented, which showed death

as inevitable.
years ago - on September 25, 1996 - National Court of First Instance in Civil No. 9 of the City of Buenos

Aires, however, denied the legal authorization for the practice of an interruption of pregnancy in pregnancy

with similar characteristics and a fetus had anencephaly. The request for termination of pregnancy

alleged that the mother had suffered from nervous disorders and to continue the pregnancy in time, would have suffered a detriment to health

the future lifestyle derived from biological deficiencies of his son .
We must remember that our law, the interruption of pregnancy is or is not punishable (Article 86.2 of the Criminal Code:

to prevent a greater evil, for example, to preserve the health of the mother or the violation of an idiot) or a

Crime in the latter case in particular and unlike the first one played that should not privilege the

pain and anguish of parents against the rights of the unborn child. It also emphasized that the scope of emotions and feelings

should be ignored when judging and in this case the foundation of what is claimed

consistent with the feelings of the parents but not unborn child . From the point of view legal interpreted the unborn child is a subject fit for

hold legal title to their lives, regardless of whether the unborn child in the future be unable or impractical

. Finally, the authorization to legitimize the abortion would open the door to legitimate a

eugenic policy. Given
under this restrictive policy on abortion and meet the growing demand from women to terminate these pregnancies

anencephalic fetuses or other malformations incompatible with life, purpose is an analysis

bioethical termination of pregnancy of an anencephalic.
Many couples facing these situations risking to go ahead with her pregnancy and preparing emotionally for

receive their children may die early, require remedial treatment or living with a permanent deficit.
Other couples opt for termination of pregnancy with the understanding that they are doing the best possible good or lesser evil

for their children, for themselves and their families. Both decisions are usually taken for the sake of life,

family, children and are not intended to thoughtlessness or death wish. These two attitudes, with

characteristics of each case, they deserve be considered individually.
patient pregnant woman as stars, from the moment he is informed of the irreversible disease of the fetus that is developing

, a tragedy that surrounds his life and his family. He lives with certainty what qualifies as a "funeral

long" (Drane, J. 1992) because in the current state of biomedical science, there is no real possibility of reversing

the table.
This situation faces a traumatic and painful experience, by starting it inevitably in a state of dis-emotional

worsens with advancing pregnancy.
For women with anencephalic pregnancy the psychological damage is tied with the moral damage in the time against

his decision to terminate the pregnancy instead of meeting with an "other" I hear your request and the accompanying it

meets "speech interference persecutory legal and medical shrinking fear adjective

as destroyers of human life "(Giberti)

These women also suffer psychological damages, resulting from traumatic situation anencephalic pregnancy, as described

, damage moral and institutional neglect does not listen to their pain and does not respect the human right to life

In the case of a pregnancy is incompatible with life, if a woman is denied the ability to access the advancement

delivery, are violating a fundamental human right, which is their right to comprehensive health
The right to health has been recognized nationally and internationally as a human right, so that the

physical, mental and social that it can achieve, is a right which the State is obliged to guarantee.
"Given that anencephaly is fatal at a rate of one hundred percent of the cases, sufferers have no

viability, forcing a woman pregnant with an anencephalic to continue with the pregnancy, is a clear danger to their health

can not be avoided but with the interruption of the pregnancy. "(Prigoshin, Pearl Eugenia)


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