Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Religious Easter Card Sayings

Learning and Neuropsychology, Ms. Mirta De Andreis and Family Mental Health

Neuropsychology of learning is based on neuroscience. As basic science aims to understand the relationship between higher mental functions (memory, attention, perception, language, thinking, reasoning) and cortical processes that underlie them. Applied science devoted to the tasks of diagnosis and treatment of disorders of higher mental functions.

When we address the problems of learning from the perspective based in neuropsychology we know the mode of each child in their perception and information processing. This knowledge allows us to establish that cognitive strategies used and which leaves aside, what processes are altered cortical and what not.

The child's developing brain has since is evolving and changing.

The child's ability to transform the SN allows growth of brain structures and functions through experience and learning. You can also rearrange with rehabilitation if alterations or delays.

A particular difficulty learning is a disorder of the nervous system development is impaired development affecting higher psychological processes such as perception, attention, memory, language, reasoning. Of course within a framework in which we can not exclude other contextual variables in their particular history.

functional systems correspond to cortical systems in the process of change during the course give rise to higher psychological processes related by the principle of double dissociation of functions, therefore, any alteration or change in an functional system area alter the performance of some psychological processes

Since the brain is a system of systems to function properly need all cortical areas to work properly. The two hemispheres work additionally and simultaneously in most cognitive activities given the complexity of these the two main strategies of our brain to process information. cognitive processes are sequential and successive processes related simultáneos.Los with hearing and speech and successive syntheses are performed in frontal and temporal lobes and left hemisphere is very important.

simultaneous processes are associated with vision and touch. The spatial and visual memory are at your service.

The 4 lobes that make up the crust are the occipital lobe making the visual, temporal lobe the auditory, parietal lobe the frontal lobe textures and movements and the higher thought.

occurs in neuroscience in the year 1999 a fundamental discovery is that thousands of new neurons in our brain are formed in the central area within the hippocampus, an area involved in memory and migrate to the prefrontal region, temporal and parietal. This breaks the paradigm which held that in the adult brain do not form new neurons.

The human genome contains instructions for brain development and selected external environmental influences that strengthen synapses appropriate activity patterns of neurons. Synapses that are not used die off. In terms of learning is extremely important as it strengthens external stimulation synapses or create new ones and in case of specific disorders appropriate stimulation can reorganize and rehabilitate these functions.

is widely shown that the brain is modified by learning plasticity and ability, so changes in performance that cause developmental disorders or learning disabilities, with a neuropsychological treatment programs based on stimulation, can restore the functions deficit or achieve the best possible performance.


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