Wednesday, October 25, 2006 Hack

New Parental Roles. Ms. Mirta De

A little history ...

as an explanation seems logical that in primitive times the constitution physical characteristic of the man, let him deal with the many external dangers and hunt large animals, while women devote more time to raise and care for children.

later with the discovery of agriculture, should also be the man best suited to fight other human groups and defend the space, while women spent more time raising children and housework.

Until recently, all human societies were patriarchal.


Flaquer [1] men tended to engage in food production and protection of social groups and women were devoted almost exclusively to reproduction.

In this context of discourses of men and women's silence, for many centuries passed everyday life familias.El father knew everything there was to know, as he had taught him and as he transmitted to his children.

Until Modernity and with it comes a process of redefinition of the individual subject. The individual "self" begins to emerge. This process begins in the West and is spreading to almost all the world.The Progress will drive this new historical moment. Institutions are strengthened to maintain social order, mainly family, the school and work.

The traditional family is forced to transform and adopt new ways of working. A long process of social and political changes, produce contradictions, twists and turns in the roles of household members. is produced in the different orders of social life, adaptations, successes and setbacks in both male and female winners and losers.

The father loses the authority granted ownership of the land, for example, and its influence is not decisive in the "marriage arrangement" of their children.

A new conception of marriage based on personal choice, allowing the emergence of individual feelings and personal choice.

clinical experience in psychology, with children and families [2] , an average of parents do not attend interviews or do not show too committed to the difficulties of their children.

Of course we can not talk about paternity but paternity , they have to do with the actual historical social context and personal history, family.

is noted, however, from the practice signs that, at this time of transition, new "male subjectivity" are developing.

Males are taking new steps in a new way. A man who can share some housework, not as imitators but printing his trademark. A father who cares and have fun with their children.

culture is saying that there are no jobs sharply divided between men and women and between parents.

In the process of cultural socialization, are the mandates, pressures and meanings what to do and be men and women, each time in the history of mankind.

Lately, we realize, more and more clearly, how the everyday reality, determined and defined by the behavior of its actors are urgently called for changes in these mandates. The traditional and show in many facets, which are inappropriate to the new ways of living. The emergence of individuality of the subject, doing their own desires, to family autonomy, it also leads to the emergence of new practices in the family that allow its members to display their personality and enjoy of the everyday and the public.

Denaturing the roles were defined from their biological origin, you can change history and find new alternatives.

For every woman who takes a step toward their own liberation,

There is a man who discovers that the path to freedom

has been made a little easier.

Decade Taken from Link, April 1992; Fempress, No. 130

[1] Flaquer, Luis: "Fate of the Family", Ed Ariel, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1998.

[2] middle class families in Buenos Aires and San Martín Parties and Tres de Febrero.


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