Sunday, October 8, 2006

Marilyn Piercing Cost



The twentieth century, the century heyday of modernity, defined "nuclear family" as: "The basic cell of society


This classic concept based on biology, league sexuality and procreation, the family institution.

Both operate within the private space.

This family of modernity vital project is procreation and the generational transmission.
This ideal family model, consists of a monogamous marriage and children. Living under one roof and its

deployed within the various roles of its members, within a patriarchal structure in which

down hierarchical relationships.

women confined to domestic and child rearing, perform duties related to body contact and

meeting the nutritional and emotional needs.
Males, providers of financial support, representing the highest authority in the family.

This spatial division between home and work, is widespread in modernity from the Industrial Revolution and the emergence


Today, in light of the great changes and we enter the new millennium, not for talking about "the family" but "the

homogeneous discourse of modernity is replaced by the speeches of the different realities that shape our current


Today there are families who do not respond to this "ideal model" of which we spoke earlier.
Families Single-Parent "," Assembled "," reconstructed "," Sole Proprietorship. " These

new settings, do not have a word that means some kinship: "the husband of the mother,"

"children of the husband of the mother," "father's wife, etc.desplazan the words" stepmother "," stepfather "etc.

Today, the vital project of a couple, does not necessarily have offspring.
Women have made a historical, and have made progress in the public and the world production. In this way

was designing new roles.

The aim of this study is to think, from a gender perspective, some possible forms of relational relations

family, allowing the development independent of each of its members, in a climate of equality and democracy in

within families.


changes that occur in family organizations, are of course closely related, with

changes that occur in other sectors of the social structure .

"It has been said that the family is a particularly conservative institution. And indeed it is, because through a

long process of socialization, transmitting familai ethical and social values, habits, customs, norms, roles,
relationships and expectations
aimed at "preserving" the cultural patterns inherited, which are transmitted from generation to generation

. "1

families train their offspring to face the outside world and so while it is conservative and resists

changes is influenced by major changes occurring in the context with which it interacts actively.

Since the late nineteenth century, and throughout the twentieth century, a large number of discoveries and

scientific and technological, have an extraordinary impact on the human lifestyle.
Mechanization influences the production and domestic work. Leaving
women, the public sphere, a series of changes in traditional roles imposed by the division of labor

technological innovations alter patterns of behavior, values, social relations and family organizations. Novelty
and refurbished industrial assets, technology and cyber help domestic comfort.
Prepared foods, new communication technologies and related to everyday work life, provide

many daily tasks, which previously went back and forth as many hours devoted to its realization. §
2.2. Demographic Revolution:

During the twentieth century produced a decline in mortality due to advances in hygiene, medicine and food


"In 1930, infant mortality rates, measured the proportion of children dying before their first year of life

were not anywhere below 3.5 per 100, and the Mediterranean countries, Central Europe and Japan

exceeded 10 per 100. In 1955 fell below 5 per 100, and in 1965 to below 2.5 per 100 in all Western countries,

except the Mediterranean. In 1989, did not exceed 0.8 per 100 in Canada and in most

countries of Northern Europe and the West ... "2

On the other hand, life expectancy has increased significantly." This extension of life was more important for

women than for men " .3

This phenomenon of aging, also introduces changes in the family life cycle, extending the years of cohabitation

couples, after having fathered and raised their children, requiring adjustments in the bond of marriage.

"The consequences of the demographic revolution not over yet. Moreover, the population continues to grow at

an unprecedented rate, with the aggravating that "almost half of that growth occurs in Third World countries, which

are, by definition, those least able to absorb" (UN Report, 1988). "4

There are large imbalances in the South and East, due to many factors, including high population growth

and growing poverty, contrasted with the population of the North, which has stalled.


democratic processes in modern society have been changing the structure of the patriarchal family.

"What we have is an ongoing growing multiplicity of family forms and social activities. This multiplicity,

lamented by some, can also be seen as part of the democratization processes of everyday life and the extent of

"right to have rights" (including pleasure), with which the idea of \u200b\u200bcrisis germ becomes

innovation and social creativity "5


From this approach, which is being analyzed, families are not isolated units of the social world.

family formations are the result of continuous dynamics, which involves various social, political, legal,

well as the dominant ideologies of the time. Different
change factors, some mentioned in point 2.tienen direct or indirect effects on families and

everyday practices that they perform.

"Both the military in Argentina's 76, as the Chileans and many others, perhaps taking as a model Catholic
speech, used and abused the family metaphor. The family as a" basic cell "of society and

nation understood in terms of a large family, are part of an image that can be interpreted in different and even contradictory

. Went beyond the metaphor and discourse, intervened violently in the privacy and the privacy of families


To this thought, so well expressed by Jelin, there is" The Family ", heterosexual, monogamous with children and works

Other real existing family organizations, are "deviations".
This traditional family model is based on asymmetrical power relations that men and women are treated as

"natural" along the shared contextual history and function as basic assumptions.

The social imaginary, which is transmitted through generations, argues that "man must be a good worker," "successful,"

"intelligent" in the public sphere and women must be "loving", "soft and delicately fragile" in the private sector.

In this traditional relationship, housework is invisible, that consuming, most of the time women,

through a sliding theory, which considers, on behalf of the "natural reproductive capacity of women" as
all the tasks for this "social mandate" has been forced to make for a long time (cleaning, cooking

, caring for other family members, care, bring home climate, understanding husband, live

children and of course forget about herself, or be the last as applicable).

"This supposed natural order also attaches inilineal relationship between authority and masculinity:" If domestic

unit is a man, he is the head of household. "This idea has been on the basis of data collected by

population censuses and surveys permanent homes. "7

addition to this family, other organizational forms coexist. Social change, migration, processes of democratization

, participation in them, change in the labor market and the professionalization and education of

women in general, have changed the dynamics of family relationships.

"In Argentina there has been in recent decades a small increase in age at first marriage legal, because

actually increased marital unions, especially among young urban middle class. There was also a decrease

marriage rates and increased hecho.Se unions increased divorce and separation facts

becoming more common. "8
Moreover also the status of" unmarried ", living alone or alone, has lost its former significance and is a state many times elected

, allowing intensive development of professional aspects.
These one-person households, according to data from the PHS, the Buenos Aires metropolitan area, are more common in

middle and high.

Today, many young couples, for lack of economic resources, unite and go to live in the homes of some of their parents

, settling for larger families. Many women

incorporated into the work force, achieve economic independence and relationships can end

or violent conflict, by submission of gender.

Among single parent families, consisting of mothers and children have increased significantly.
female head of household has its own characteristics depending on the socio-cultural context in which it is.
popular sectors are poorer, more vulnerados.Frecuentemente, these women care for their children, without help from

father, living with relatives.

also found, families "rebuilt" or "assembled" with men and women who marry or form new groups,

children living with both or one of the dos.También may be the case that either they have older children

have their own home or live alone.

We are also witnessing new family, not yet common in our society, but in other tread. The

homosexual couples with children who raise and educate each other.

"Every new way means recognition of the need for a new role socialization and consequently, the

modification of individual and social perspectives" 9

The current reality and practice in the area of \u200b\u200bhealth or education, shows me that there

a wide diversity of family forms.
In each, their own members have shared expectations. In each family emotions are experienced, suffers and rejoices

It is a crisis of the patriarchal family, which has brought an unequal division of roles and functions

But the processes of democratization, which also generates greater individuation and autonomy of women and young people are reeling

patriarchal authority. Whatever
the organization with different families, it is essential to develop links

allow full democratic participation in and out of them.

Women have come a long way, and we will not atrás.Sufrimos, we learned,

discover our own desires.
We love our partner, we want to be mothers, people want to be autonomous and responsible for our actions, we

her daughters want to be professionals, we participate in our reality.
This we can do that in any family that also respects each of its members.

"This is where the privilege diversity alternate creativity on the outside with the performance of tasks

claim a home. For this it is necessary to rethink the type of bond that unites women to men
by the authority. It would be a task of decentering of which we far away. It comes down to a struggle between

"advocates" of women and the "critics" which, again, is an initial stage of the process, because this type of

reading difficulties in understanding social relationships placed in context social history. "10

I have no doubt that the next major changes within the private sphere of families, must be given by men


If we consult with the word" crisis "we find:" moment in a matter of importance. "
This is the time in which men may create new ways to share home and enjoy the children.
Solo being together in public and private life, sharing responsibilities and achievements, inventing and recreating

new and old roles, may find equitable solutions in this decisive moment.

"Traditionally we are prepared to live isolated in the" inside. "He was being held, neglected and lost.
qualified sites are occupied by the man, no matter how you come to them." Is that why

men unleash terrible and bitter struggles from small to see who is longer, wider or higher? "To see who is more macho

? To see quén goes further in the world phallocratic of culture, economy and power?. In this universe
the appearance of feminine delicacy disturbs and shakes all the deep structures, then

rejected and referred to as "stupid weakness." But in reality, it takes a big kiss, embracing and warm, to improve and humanize

this world of men "always erect", as they do not look up, believe they are the highest. "§


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