Sunday, October 8, 2006

Where To Purchase Hibachi Table

female subjectivity and professional project

In our society, the development of female gender role is not easy.

1. "The girls receive education to prepare for a technologically and socially complex society. On the other hand, there is a sense

that this training is a seudoentrenamiento. It is not intended to interfere with other training,

more important, to be a wife and mother who is into the unconscious development of the girl and her mother teaches in

a context in which it is clearly, the outgoing parent figure "(Chodorow, Nancy-1982)

In the vocational counseling process, I have observed, over twenty years of working with adolescents and young women

, changes in my clients and my own changes, as a woman, compared to the social mandates

and family, which is expected to do, think, read and select a "good woman."

I also believed that a good wife must be above all a good mother, and a good mother "waives"

's desires for the welfare of their children. Must be unconditional, selfless, sympathetic. Of course, in these times of crisis, should

work, progress, be a good professional and an excellent companion.

This feminine subjectivity that acquires features of "Wonder Woman" who can do everything that does ten things at once

, working double shifts, both within and outside the home, has been reproduced in our young women today. Among this trend

labor participation and maternal carrying, are woven many of the identifications, conflicts

, ideals and fears, which are projected at the time of vocational choice.

observe in my clients, a conflict set, from the outset, the roles will develop in the future. It

usually refer to their mothers, like overworked and concerns. In some cases, very few have a

reactive behavior, saying they will not marry, to live alone and work, serving in high office.

In the period that our society attaches to the teenager, to define more personal identity and learn skills to

their occupational identity, these are worth looking mirrors and you keep getting the "other." So, go

defining who they are, who want to be and what others want them to be.

questions are opened, doubts arise. Some are alone with the responsibility to choose and others are caught in the middle

mandates, requirements, family and social expectations.

Teens the new century, when talking about his future, generally reflect the same ambivalence of women in the seventies

. Admit that in his vision, there is some implied flexibility that allows a family,

but from there, they enter a twilight zone. For these women, it is understood that the arrival of their first child

not change the race of the father. The necessary adjustments will be borne by the mother,

prioritizing the needs of others before their own.

"However much we may say that women have been" liberated, they seem to think otherwise ... Most

women who participated in the opinion poll conducted by Virginia Slims in 1990 agreed on the statement that

status of sex in society U.S. had improved "a little, not much." All surveys conducted during the

eighties, overwhelming majorities of women said it was necessary to ensure equal employment opportunities and

equal pay for equal work ... a federal law that sets out the maternity and
decent service
care ... how far we have "won" the war for the rights of women .... The proposed

feminism is very simple: ask not force women to " choose "between public justice and private happiness. Calls for

women are free to define identity for themselves, rather it is defined, again and again, by the

culture they are part and men with whom they live "(Falaudi, Susan-1993)

actually arise more and more questions. Many aspects have improved the lives of women. Relations between

men and women have changed over the history of mankind.

emerging women, historically, as "subjects" who have a desire to own, but find it hard to.

In this journey through history and accumulate roles. Women learn more about ourselves. Eva Giberti, in

Women's Times says:
"Women have solved problems and has overcome unprecedented situations of conflict, but is still full of fears and dissatisfactions

in living with the man's angst and it hinders their integration into the modern world."

Each career counseling, adolescent girls, relive these feelings, the exacerbating conflicts,

are present, obviously or not, social stereotypes, familiar terms, bias status.

Who we work with adolescents, from the teaching practice, social, clinical, from different perspectives, we understand the importance of

new paradigm for addressing the relationships between genders and generations.
Our eyes must be directed toward understanding the diversity rather than difference.

A new woman has been emerging in recent times, a new man is slowly emerging: more participatory

daily level with less pressure away from home because they do not feel all the financial burden on him.
In this interplay of relationships on which to discuss and reflect on each area of \u200b\u200beducational guidance, vocational

, learning, family therapy, both women and men, mothers and fathers should share and

distribute obligations and pleasures of domestic life and relationship with the children equally.


arise in the not too distant future, affordable options to solve the issues of everyday life?
male and female workers may enjoy longer holidays and shorter working hours?

finally be achieved democratization conjugal relations?

be achieved in schools, to avoid the emergence of a gender superior to another and instill learning tasks as

symmetrical for both?
The road is already being mapped, love, solidarity, peace, creative and innovative work in all areas

shared by men and women must unite effectively, speech and action.


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